Being Alone and Together

Thoughts Overflow
Published in
1 min readJan 17, 2017

Being alone is when you don’t pretend as someone,
when you don’t worry about others’ thoughts,
when you don’t feel to hide away,
when you do what you like, talk what you feel,
when you remove your mask
and let yourself free;
without fake smiles,
without fake compliments,
without anything to hide from anybody,
without the need to fake listening,
without the thought of how you look,
without the conscious to impress people with the fine clothes,
with the fine shoes,
with the fake words,
without any worry about the way you walk,
the way you talk,
the way you eat,
the way you laugh;
and just be the person you are.

You might wonder,
it is a bliss to be alone.
I will tell you
what is more awesome.
It is when you can be yourself
without the mask on,
even when your loved one is around;
and that is the best;
being alone, yet together.

But if you are afraid to remove the mask
before your lover,
I feel sorry for you,
as that is the worst curse of all;
being together, yet feeling alone.

