Why your manifestation is failing

Thoughts to journal about after a long shift
4 min readJan 29, 2024


Every thought that is accompanied by an emotion, will manifest quicker and stronger. Conny Méndez. Metaphysics for everyone. (1977)

I had just been diagnosed with hypertension when my mom introduced me to Metaphysics. I wasn’t sure if I had heard the word before, I was barely 24. She said it helped her through one of the darkest times in her life, so I swore to give it a try.

It changed me.

Reading into it, I find understandable that for some people the idea of Metaphysics may inspire the same type of rejection and skepticism like, let’s say, Astrology for example. Although these two are different in essence, they share the same misconception:

“the Universe has no effect in your life”.

And well, yes? If you sit and wait for the best things in life to happen to you, then you’ll just be wasting your time. But Metaphysics, or in this case, Manifestation, believes in setting the first stones to build your castle. Putting in the work to see your wildest dreams materialize.

Think only the good, and it will happen to you.

We are finding ourselves in the era of manifestation. A lot of positive self-talk, goal setting, and believing in Universal Intelligence, as Jen Sincero cleverly puts it on her work: You Are a Badass at Making Money.

You can find information everywhere, in the form of prompts shared online to practice gratitude, to YouTube videos on“How to be the best version of yourself this year”. But again, it seems there is no privacy in manifesting anymore, and this might be why you believe it is not meant to work, like a trendy miraculous hack on how to lose weight. If everyone does it then it’s just a fad right?

Truth is, Manifestation has been around for ages, but the knowledgeable people who practice it have been conscious enough to understand what NOT to do in order to enjoy its mighty effects.

You are not being realistic

If you are barely scraping the bottom of the pot, manifesting a trip to France might not be the way to start. When you manifest, your actions have to be already set in motion for your goals to become a reality.

Start by manifesting a better job opportunity with a good salary that allows you to save up, and therefore be able to travel. Learn new and valuable skills to elevate you as an individual and apply to higher positions.

Focus all your energy and drive into it. You can make your goal real if your manifestation comes from a clear, realistic and action-driven mindset.

Photo by Jordan Whitfield on Unsplash

You are telling absolutely everyone about it

You have probably been told at least once in your life that it’s better to keep some things to yourself. Well, your biggest goals and dreams are definitely part of those things.

Influencing culture might have made us believe that sharing your vision board on social media is the way to go, but in reality it takes the power away from your manifestation.

When there are too many eyes on your every move, it’s easy to lose focus and mess up, so if what you are working on is deeply important for your dreams, avoid giving too much detail away.

Photo by Samantha Gades on Unsplash

You don’t feel what you manifest

Going back to what I mentioned before, if your actions are not already in motion to achieve your goals, manifesting them won’t make them magically appear.

However, you must believe that it’s possible. Feel it, think about it, let that dream become your passion and your drive to move forward. Envision how your dream looks and pull all your attention and dedication to it.

Read self-help books, watch inspirational videos, practice the habits those who have achieved their ultimate goals live by. All of these will ignite a fire in you. If they can do it, so can you.

Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

The first month of the year is famous for providing that impulse to make all your dreams come true. But you should know: You can aim to manifest things a few months from now, years, or as long as you desire and start at ANY moment.

If there is a will, there is an opportunity, so don’t give up on your manifestations. Remember: Keep it to yourself, be realistic, and have faith in the work you put in.



Thoughts to journal about after a long shift

Team Manager in my 20's | Customer Service Expert. Side quests include Marathon training and being chronically online.