Embracing Your Inner Wisdom: Liberating from Society’s Advice

Published in
2 min readJun 17, 2024


Visual Muse / DALL·E

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In the quiet corners where wisdom whispers low, 🌿
Lies a truth oft hidden, a truth we come to know, 🌟
For society’s advice, a tangled web it weaves,
Yet beneath its surface, only confusion it conceives. 🕸️

Free yourself from the chatter, the voices loud and strong, 🗣️
For many speak in echoes, their knowledge often wrong, ❌
They offer paths well-trodden, yet paved with doubt and fear,
Guidance veiled in shadows, unclear and insincere. 🌑

Listen to your heartbeat, the rhythm of your soul, 💓
A compass true and steady, guiding towards your goal, 🧭
Trust the inner whispers, the wisdom deep within,
Where authenticity resides, where true beginnings begin. 🌱

Cast aside the shackles of conformity’s embrace,
Embrace your unique journey, at your own pace, 🌈
For society’s advice may falter, may lead you astray,
But your intuition’s compass shall guide you day by day. 🌞




Exploring intricacy and elegance in nature, art, science, and human connections. Celebrating the delicate dance of elements in perfect balance. 🌿🔬🎨