live to love.

Published in
3 min readJan 27, 2020

“Life is short”.. we hear this phrase again and again but never really get the chance to fully understand it once reality hits us hard upon experiencing a great scale of tragic events, losing a loved one or someone we truly admire. Winter seems to truly have come to us this time of the year.

I was going to write about what my past decade looked like but with the passing events around the globe, I just couldn’t. I felt numb and my soul just did not resonate with the words that were spilling out of my fingers.

Reality check in 2020: Australian bushfire killed around 400 million animals, Wuhan residents are on lockdown due to the SARI virus outbreak, Taal Volcano in the Philippines erupted, and legendary Kobe Bryant, his eldest daughter and 7 other human beings passed away in a helicopter crash.

So here I am writing about grieving and also.. what paradoxically comes with it: life where it serves as a reminder to share love, joy, and hope to whoever crosses your path — this does not entail bowing down to every person’s requests. What I hope is that we all get to see the beauty around us despite the disappointments, dissatisfaction, and worries we might have.

Cry if you must as those tears are beautiful, filled with love and care. Laugh if you must as those can be music to someone’s ears. Rest if you must as those moments can bring out the clarity you have yearned to possess in this world filled with blurred lines.

Most importantly, love hard and well and freely because it can set you free from the chains that hold you to doubt every kind gesture and thought that comes your way. My parents, I want to thank you too for showing me what true love is with imperfections — I know we had our mishaps and misunderstanding but both of you never stopped loving and showing that love truly conquers all, that love never stops giving and giving and giving.

And yes, love is about giving. Take note: as a giver, also surround yourself with givers so you can build a strong community that best represents the possibility of having and sharing love. Givers of energy, positivity, heart, strength, and light. And when darkness has entered, do not give up and trust the process.. hold each other’s hands and keep moving forward.

©️ Toronto, 2017

Read carefully. Also, try to listen to these words as closely as you can using the voice that matters most to you —

Love is stronger than anything. It is enough, the right kind of love. The one that respects, trusts, hopes, shares, and stays. All encompassing. This also is defined by love that you give back to yourself. The one that is understanding of your mistakes, accepting of your flaws, and trusting of your progress. It can be difficult when society can sometimes encourage pride, ego, and self-indulgence. There is also another side of society that is promoting sharing your truth, owning your beauty and giving your love. I have seen both sides and have decided to practice the latter at most circumstances. I hope you can join me too.

And if you don’t agree because you have been hurt. I know.. it sucks and I too was there where nothing may make sense or work out. Do what is best for you right now. What you need is to start trusting yourself to learn to love again, whether it starts with appreciating your sleeping hours, the food on the table, the sun outside your window, the first breath you take when you wake up in the morning, the smile you get from a stranger, the hugs from loved ones, or the simple thought of having another chance to do you.. today. Stop waiting for love to come knocking on your door. Start finding that love within you right now so when you’re ready, you can accept and give the right kind of love.

I believe.
I hope.
I love.
Most importantly, I live. I owe this now to those who couldn’t make it to another day — what privilege I have. Universe, thank you.




Storyteller, Podcaster and Writer. I ponder on different thoughts that can go in many directions. Human is my language, Nature is my remedy 🌻