Stay Woke

Published in
2 min readJul 19, 2020

What a time to be alive. 2020 — you are a year filled with surprises and awakenings and hopefully, we get to finish with some enlightenment on how to live with more joy, love and hope.

Our society is bleeding and in pain. Our black brothers and sisters are put under the microscope that revisits the history that brought a lot of hurt in their hearts and souls. I am no expert in past events. I am not a journalist nor a person who knows what it feels like to live a black person’s life. I am still learning and educating myself of where the hurt is coming from because currently, I am sympathizing yet I want to empathize and even contribute to the community.

I wrote this a month ago and it was sitting in my drafts because I was not sure where my thoughts could lead me. A part of me wanted to be politically correct and not hurt anyone then I realized, that is not my responsibility. My responsibility as a human being is to be honest, express my truth, educate myself with what I can grasp while being critical on the resources I have chosen to believe. If you know me, I am a very idealistic person who sees light in every darkness and truly trust that the world is a landscape filled with harvests.

Some may be more privileged because their soil is more rich.
Some may suffer more because the winter season prohibits their growth.
Some may have either yet sit complacently inside their homes because they decide that they have no power to do anything.

I continue to ask myself.. where do I sit in with all these events going on around the world. Right now with where I am in my life, I stand by treating the people around me with respect and consideration. I do not have much to say because the spotlight is mainly on police brutality and the black community but two things I can reassure this movement, is that I am not giving up on educating myself continuously from conversations with those affected to reading stories based on the history as well as current news and secondly, I have sought ways and continue to seek opportunities to contribute through donations on crowdfund initiatives, purchasing from black-owned businesses, and attending cultural events that empower the community’s traditions.

I know I have a long way to go. This is where I hope to start. I will be more aware of my biases and stay conscious on how I treat people.

I hope love will end up winning. Love for one another. Love for our planet Earth. Love for the life we have been blessed to be given. I hope the truth will show itself and the pain that it comes with will allow healing for those who have been wounded — physically, emotionally, spiritually or mentally.

Til next time!




Storyteller, Podcaster and Writer. I ponder on different thoughts that can go in many directions. Human is my language, Nature is my remedy 🌻