Liliana Pertenava
Published in
8 min readDec 11, 2017



Why has bitcoin become so expensive in recent months? Why are there different types of cyber currencies — and what are they for? How does the blockchain industry operate? Is this the system you can trust? Is it here to stay for long — or is it just another passing thing? Which fields need to use blockchain right now — and which ones should not even try? How will blockchain change the world we know? These are the questions our creative documentary movie, CRYPTO RUSH, answers completely.

We are making a fully independent investigative project on the topics. Our goal is to shed light on the questions about cyber currencies, mining, and blockchain IT-professionals, as well as regular people with a casual interest, are facing.

About our team: Me, Liliana Pertenava, author, executive producer, and director, I also own all the rights for the idea and the movie. I am an IT and startup-communicator, former TV-reporter & producer, and now documentary filmmaker. I was looking for a theme for my full length film for almost a year when my tech friends offered me to be one of the first people to invest into their small farm mining Ether venture — the second top cryptocurrency. That time, April 2017, Ether cost around $45 per unit, so it was not an obvious decision, considering other, more popular and noted crypto currencies like bitcoin had already been reaching its high price and overall volatility of crypto market. After some thinking I agreed to spend some money on the farm’s hardware. I then wrote a post on Facebook about my investment — and the text went completely viral. That is when I realized people are certainly interested in blockchain and cryptocurrency — and that is why I decided to make my own creative documentary project on it.

Along with me, there is a whole team of experienced journalists, investigators, and cinema professionals. We have the creative producer, the associate producer, the project editor — and the whole production team with the cinematographer and all the technical specialists.

© Crypto Rush movie

Why CRYPTO RUSH movie is important: Having watched several IT-documentaries on the topic, including documentary series by TechCrunch and many other, I realized that in general there still was not much content explaining how blockchain and cryptocurrencies work in simple words. I decided to focus on journalistic approach and storytelling — and make a creative documentary movie that would help wide audience get the idea and fully understand how the technology that may change the world as we know it works.

The high price of cryptocurrencies — bitcoin now costs over $15000 per unit — and operating of blockchain are the top questions even for those who have nothing to do with IT and journalism. It is important to know yet complicated and mind-blowing — so people search Google and rarely find satisfying answers. We want to help them. The data is impossibly huge — it is hard to orient in the endless flow of information. And we try to solve the problem of conveying the message to the wide range of people with simple words and interesting storytelling. That is what is new about the project we are working on — and what makes it different. We claim it is the first of a kind documentary which targets all the people — not only professionals — and explains difficult things in simple words, also showing the power of blockchain community.

In our project, it is essential for us to work on gender equality. And by that we don’t mean exclusively the exact same number of male and female experts. We want to show that women are into the field as well as men. We interview CEOs, investors, IT-professionals, and many of them are women, and they are important personalities in the industry.

If you are a blockchain expert, do not think that the project is not a bit of an interest for you. With interviews with key field players, footage of the market, themed conferences, and mining farms, the movie provides serious analytics of the future of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, answers who is who in the field.

Drawing a portrait of the whole industry is not such an easy thing to do as one might think. It is possible via showing the key projects, or the brightest, most important people who influence the field on every day basis. Our aim is in combining both and making a project that will show the real face of the market. Nowadays, there is a tendency of stigmatization and under-estimating those who work in blockchain and cryptocurrency. Despite the colossal importance of their job — not only for the future, it is already right here, right now — they are often seen as some weird guys, geeks, sitting at their flats and making strange operations. One of our goals is to change this image. We want to show that the future is now and introduce the people who have made it happen. We want to improve the reputation of the field, to make it more clear and understandable.

President of Gondo village in Switzerland with Crypto Rush movie crew © Crypto Rush movie

What we have already done and what our plans are: We want to make a powerful statement with our movie. The way for it includes showing the industry from different points of view. That is why we plan to interview thirty personalities, what is more, our documentary will feature talks with several journalists working in the tech & financial field — and in blockchain and crypto specifically. In addition, it will include a number of experts, miners, representatives of regulations, representatives of corporations, a few ordinary citizens.

Our team has already done 15 interviews for the film. That includes the ones with Mike Butcher, editor-at-large of TechCrunch, and David Carlson, CEO of GigaWatt. We have also spoken to Meinhard Benn, founder of Satoshi pay. In Switzerland, we have Nick Beglinger, Climate21, hack4climate CEO/founder, Giorgio Zinetti, CEO of Procivis, team of Alpinemining –a mining facility in the heart of Swiss Alps, mayor of Gondo village, Niklas Nikolajsen of Bitcoin Swisse. Our documentary will also feature Matthias Michael, Kanton Zug minister of economy, Lan Tschirky, angel investor, featured on CNBC and Nasdaq, and Mathias Ruch, partner of Lakeside partners blockchain investment fund in Switzerland.

Alpinemining team interview © Crypto Rush movie

And that is not enough for us. We are planning travels to China, Singapore, and Hong Kong to shoot the final material for our documentary movie.

Background: I had been working on the script for almost two months when I announced via Facebook I was ready to start filming a documentary. That drew a lot of attention. There were a lot of people who offered their help and support — or even partnership. One of the first of those interested was the company specializing in mining crypto currencies. GigaWatt is quite a big name in the industry. They were a big help for the project — in a month I was flying to New York city to participate in mining and blockchain conference and before that to Wenatchee, WA, for GigaWatt. Thanks to GigaWatt’s team, we made our very first — but really amazing — footage and interviewed their CEO David Carlson, one of the pioneers in the mining industry and its recognized leader. It was our very first interview for the documentary — and it was very inspiring. It took such short time from coming up with the idea to actually start making the movie — only a couple of months.

After that, our team went to New York to visit R3 meetup and see how banks and big financial players feel about blockchain industry, how blockchain technology may be used in banking. There were many multinational finance companies like Goldman Sachs and Barclays.

That is the point where we have seen that the community is differentiated and complex. On one hand, people may seem a little bit crazy about cryptocurrency — and it reminds Gold rush in the 19th century. It is adventurous and venturesome, with lots of people looking for their place in the industry and trying to contribute. By the way, that is why our documentary movie is called CRYPTO RUSH.

Alpinemining team © Crypto Rush movie

It is many young guys sitting and mining in their homes — and changing history and technology. On the other hand, it is the most serious financial corporations — and billions of dollars. It is the world’s biggest banks that want to invest into blockchain, cryptocurrency, and mining, to understand how the financial field will change with the use of the new technologies. It is the serious people in suits that are totally charmed by mind-blowing possibilities of blockchain. And of course, the industry attracted scammers and Ponzi schemers, trying to trick naïve investors. Such a broad scale of personalities!

The world of technology start-ups has become quite stable in recent years. There is little chance new Google, new Facebook, new Snapchat, or new Instagram will be created. But in blockchain field, it is possible to create many new services with a potential to become popular with users and financially successful. It is the brand new and fast-growing industry — and it is a lucky chance for those who have not had it with other IT-markets to come up with something new and significant. Such big and potentially influential fields do not show up that often — it usually happens once in several years. The very last case may be artificial intelligence. And now it is the blockchain.

I had some doubts in the first place about the decision to make the movie. I had second thoughts — with so many films, texts and other content on the topic that have already been there, at first I could not decide whether to shoot my own documentary.

© Crypto Rush movie

But then I have realised many more movies — documentaries and even features — and investigations are to be done. Just because there is so much more to say about the topic — and it is not likely that there will soon be enough content to satisfy all the needs and answer all the questions, to show everything there is in blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. Thus I decided creating my own documentary project makes sense. So our team’s goal lies in showing the most interesting — and the most important — parts of the system. All the field players who have agreed that it is essential to shoot CRYPTO RUSH movie and let the wide audience see and understand the true image of cryptoeconomy.

In conclusion it is important to say that our movie, CRYPTO RUSH, has several aims on covering different topics: cryptocurrencies mining, trading, the ICO’s, bitcoin community, ethereum community, altcoin community, regulation and security issues, cryptography science and also the economic, political, social and philosophical basis of the new crypto and blockchain industry. We hope to create a documentary that will be both entertaining and useful to watch for everyone, from people with simple interest to highest IT-professionals.

Below are some links considering the project in case you are interested to follow the production:








Liliana Pertenava

Work with VC’s and tech companies to empower their communications | Crypto Rush documentary author and exec. producer | Nerd at heart | Twitter @LilianPertenava