Tips For Learning Languages Using Critical Thinking Tools

Jesús Vila
Published in
3 min readOct 30, 2021

Learn languages through the recognition of patterns.

Photo by Hans-Peter Gauster on Unsplash

Critical thinking consists, to a major extent, in analyzing and synthesizing what we perceive from our experiences. In doing so, we can distinguish common patterns which, in turn, helps us understand reality much better and, as a consequence, we can take better decisions for reaching our desired goals.

With this conception of critical thinking in mind, how can we use it to learn new languages?

There are certainly plenty of sites on the internet where we can find all sort of advices concerning the acquisition of a new language. Yet very few make reference to the fact that one important strategy for learning languages is recognizing patterns that tend to appear quite often.

These patterns can be of many sorts. For instance, they can be certain fixed expressions or adverbs that are most commonly used in the language that we are trying to learn.

As you might probably tell, I am not an English native speaker. And although I still have a long way to learn, I have accomplished a lot through the application of this strategy of recognizing patterns.

How can you apply this strategy?

Rule # 1: Read as much as you can in the language that you are trying to learn.

Through reading a great variety of different topics in English, I have learnt certain fixed expressions that are rarely brought up in learning English materials. These expressions function as patterns, since they seem to be used in many different contexts.

Examples of expressions that seems to work as pattern throughout different contexts:

That is

This expression, that is, is tremendously useful when trying to explain something. Besides that, it seems to be quite versatile since it is not difficult to be found in both oral and written speech, in formal and informal speeches. When someone uses it, it gives the impression that the person knows what she is talking about.

Shed light on something

This verbal construction can be found in some learning materials, but, without consuming a great amount of information through reading, it is certainly slightly hard to perceive the importance of this pattern.

In my experience, it is one of the most used verbal expressions. You can find it used in all sorts of different topics, ranging from fashion to science, in informal as well as in formal contexts. It is another quite versatile expression.

As you can see, I am using the word “expression” in quite a loose way, but I think the meaning is perfectly conveyed.

Rule # 2: try to take note of the most common expressions you find while reading.

Every language is like an environment. And in the same way that in an environment you would be able to distinguish some objects or aspects that seem to appear quite often, the same can done in respect to any language. You just need to have an attentive eye while reading and little by little you will start recognizing some patterns.

Rule # 3: once you have distinguished some patterns, try to learn about their grammar.

As we all know, every language has certain rules that govern its usage. For this reason, the expressions that seem to work as patterns are invariably under some grammatical schemas. This means that it is always convenient to learn about such schemas, for they give you a better understanding about when and where to use the expressions.

Rule # 4: try to use the patterns you have learnt.

As with any learning process, it is important that once you have acquired a conceptual understanding about the object, in this case, the patterns, you should try to make use of the concept. In other words, after getting familiar with the expressions, it is convenient you try to create some sentences with them. You can also ask a native speaker friend to give you an assessment whether you are using the expressions well or not.


I have tried to present one strategy that is rarely mentioned for learning languages: recognition of patterns. Such strategy can be considered a critical thinking approach since, in the end of the day, most of our problem-solving techniques can be reduced to recognition of patterns. If you want to implement it for learning languages, remember to read a lot, distinguish patterns, and afterwards make use of them!



Jesús Vila

Scholar, Education Consultant, Social Projects Developer, Branding Consultant.