An Open Letter to the Journalists Who Have Forgotten Their Duty

Pradosh K
2 min readJul 29, 2024


Dear Journalists,

There was a time when journalism was revered as the fourth pillar of democracy, a sacred profession built on the bedrock of truth, integrity, and accountability. It was a calling, not just a job — a commitment to uncovering the facts, challenging the powerful, and giving voice to the voiceless. In the pursuit of these ideals, journalists were the guardians of public trust, a force for justice and transparency.

Yet, as I look around today, I see many who have strayed from this noble path. In the pursuit of sensationalism, profit, or favor with the powerful, some have compromised the very values that define this profession. The line between fact and opinion has blurred, and the commitment to objective reporting has been sacrificed on the altar of convenience or agenda.

To those who have forgotten the essence of journalism, I ask: What happened to the fire that once drove you? The passion for truth, the relentless pursuit of justice, and the courage to speak truth to power — where did it all go? Have you grown too comfortable, too afraid, or too complicit to challenge the narratives that need questioning?

Remember the role you play in our society. Journalism is not just a job; it is a responsibility — a responsibility to inform the public, to hold those in power accountable, and to protect the pillars of democracy. The stories you tell, the questions you ask, and the truths you uncover have the power to shape public opinion and influence the course of history.

In a time when misinformation spreads like wildfire and truth is often buried beneath layers of spin and deceit, the world needs journalists who are willing to stand up for what is right. We need journalists who are not swayed by political or financial pressures, who are not afraid to dig deep and expose uncomfortable truths.

To those who still believe in the power of journalism, I urge you to reclaim your role as the watchdogs of society. Stand firm in your commitment to truth, fairness, and integrity. Remember why you chose this path in the first place. And to those who have lost their way, it’s never too late to return to the principles that once guided you. The world needs your courage, your voice, and your dedication now more than ever.

Journalism is a sacred trust. Do not betray it. Stand up, speak out, and let the truth be your guide.


A Believer in the Power of Journalism

