Calling Writers … Wannabe Writers …Hobby Writers from the community

Shihab Uddin
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1 min readApr 15, 2016
Medium stats for last month

Nearly 2000 Minutes read in last 30 days with 913 Views in Thousand Network Publication at Medium.

Thousand Network publication is all about sharing the most resonating thoughts in our community and create a live journal of them leveraging Medium ‘s interactive writing platform.

Thanks a lot for your participation and thoughtful sharing .. Looking forward for your more contribution and suggestions. How do you do that?

1. Sharing your medium Id below to join the publication

2. Publishing your thoughts on the publication

Bonus: Doing series of posts on the publication about the network or about the people of the network, You are very welcome to come up with any great idea.



Shihab Uddin
Writer for

Connecting Business and Tech: Actionable Insights for Meaningful Impact. Find me on linkedin: