Working in Cyber Security: “I have never regretted my career choice”

What is it like to work in cyber security? We ask some of the members of the team in Symantec. Today, we hear from Christoffer Callender, Senior Systems Engineering Manager.

Threat Intel
Threat Intel
2 min readJun 12, 2019


Christoffer Callender, Senior Systems Engineering Manager at Symantec

How long have you been in this role?

Three months at Symantec, 7 years as a manager, and 15 years in IT in total.

How did you come to work in the field of cyber security?

When I was young the workplace where I worked was hit by the ‘I love you’ malware and all computers were taken out. When I saw the incident response team that was called in take command and save the day, I there and then decided that that was something that I wanted to do. The following week I applied for a computer science program at the university and began a five-year journey to finally get my master’s degree and apply for my first job within IT. I started as a generalist IT consultant and after one-and-a-half years got my first job at a security vendor. Eighteen years later, I have never regretted my career choice, it gets more and more exciting each year that passes.

“Failure is just the first step to success”

What advice would you give to someone who wants a job like yours?

If you set your mind to it anything is possible. Just figure out what you want to do and stay on course. Hard work and ownership always pays off — if you say you are going to do something, follow through and deliver. Better to try and fail than never have tried, failure is just the first step to success.

Is the course you studied at university relevant to the job you have now?

It gave me a good foundation to stand on and invaluable relationships that will last the rest of my life. The specifics to do my day-to-day work I have learned on the job.

What do you think are three qualities someone who wants to work in a role like yours needs to have?

Integrity, Ownership, and Collaboration.

Any other tips, advice or anecdotes you would like to add?

Always learn new things and take on tasks outside of your comfort zone.

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