The 2024 CrowdStrike/Microsoft Incident:

A Comprehensive Overview

Adam Dryden
Threat Matrix
3 min read2 days ago


Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, the recent incident involving CrowdStrike and Microsoft stands as a stark reminder of the fragility of our interconnected systems. On July 19, 2024, a routine software update from CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm, inadvertently caused a massive outage affecting millions of Windows devices worldwide. This event, which is now referred to as the “2024 CrowdStrike incident,” led to significant disruptions across various industries, including airlines, banks, hospitals, and government services.

How It Happened:
The root cause of the incident was traced back to a faulty configuration update for CrowdStrike’s Falcon sensor software running on Windows PCs and servers. A specific modification in a configuration file intended for screening named pipes, known as Channel File 291, resulted in an out-of-bounds memory read in the Windows sensor client, triggering an invalid page fault. The consequence was immediate and widespread: systems either entered into a bootloop or booted into recovery mode, effectively paralyzing critical services globally.

What We Can Learn:
The CrowdStrike/Microsoft incident underscores several key lessons for the tech industry. Firstly, the importance of rigorous testing protocols cannot be overstated. Enhanced validation and testing procedures are crucial to identify potential conflicts before deploying updates. Secondly, the incident highlights the need for cross-vendor collaboration. Strengthening partnerships and communication channels between companies like CrowdStrike and Microsoft is essential for seamless integration and compatibility.

Moreover, the incident serves as a valuable lesson in software update management. While keeping systems up-to-date is vital for security and functionality, the approach to deploying updates requires careful consideration and a nuanced strategy. The event also emphasizes the significance of disaster recovery plans and backups. Having robust mechanisms in place for quick recovery can mitigate the impact of such outages.

The Latest News:
In the aftermath of the incident, CrowdStrike has been actively working to rectify the situation. The company acknowledged the issue and has been investigating the cause, with a preliminary post-incident report blaming testing bugs for the flawed update. Additionally, CrowdStrike offered a $10 apology gift card to affected customers, although there were reports of issues with redeeming the vouchers.

Microsoft, on its part, has taken proactive steps to assist customers through the outage. The tech giant deployed hundreds of engineers and experts to work directly with affected customers to restore services. Microsoft also collaborated with other cloud providers and stakeholders to expedite a resolution and keep customers informed of the latest status on the incident.

The CrowdStrike/Microsoft incident is a powerful reminder of the interconnected nature of our digital ecosystem. It demonstrates that even a small error can have far-reaching consequences, affecting less than one percent of all Windows machines but still causing broad economic and societal impacts. As the tech community continues to navigate the complexities of cybersecurity, the lessons learned from this incident will undoubtedly shape future practices and policies aimed at fostering a more resilient digital infrastructure.



Adam Dryden
Threat Matrix

Innovator & Entrepreneur. I turn ideas into stories and job descriptions into how-to articles. Empowered by AI and the love of my Human family.