The Future of BI is OS, md5() in SQL, Kitagawa on Platforms; ThDPTh #12

What the future of BI looks like, how to generate proper unique keys in SQL, and a final look at how to build data platforms.


Data will power every piece of our existence in the near future. I collect “Data Points” to help understand & shape this future.

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🔥 (1) The Future of BI is Open Source

Maxime Beauchemin, the creator of both Apache Airflow and Superset, just published a great piece about why the future of business intelligence is open source. I totally agree with him and still find it mind-boggling that open source is just now catching up to this. In BI, or in fact, in most data topics, the cost of implementing something is usually governed by two drivers:

1. the “source” of data, meaning the number of different sources and their intrinsic complexity,

2. the target, the number of use cases, and their complexity/ quality requirements.

Since this is the case, customers of BI tools, data integration tools, etc. have a very heterogeneous field of needs. This is the perfect place to apply open-source, Take a look at any piece of bought data tool in your pipe. Does it fit all your use cases? I bet not. I bet that for at least 20% of your use cases you…

