Three Surprising Books Every Data Guy Should Read…; ThDPTh #2

Refactoring, Working effectively with Legacy Code, and Test-Driven Development for Data Guys.


…on software engineering.

Hi, I’m Sven. I think data will power every piece of our existence in the near future. I collect “Data Points” to help understand this near future.

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Here are your weekly three data points: Refactoring, Working effectively with Legacy Code, and Test-Driven Development.

Why three software engineering books for data guys? Because I believe every data team should be treated as an agile development team.

1 Refactoring by Martin Fowler

Whenever I take a look at an SQL statement, they remind me of this…

(Photo by Taylor Brandon, Unsplash)

… these organically grown buildings you find in slums. They do their job. But no one would build them this way from scratch because you cannot find anything here unless you’re one of the residents!

And that’s what I tend to think when I look at SQLs, only the person who wrote the SQL knows what it does and knows which part to rewrite to get a different result.

