Pop Songs Pick: “Message Deleted” by Du Blonde

This modern-indie-fuzz song will commiserate with you and all your emo feelings

Imaginary Liz
Three Imaginary Girls


Du Blonde — photo from their Facebook page

As Weezer sang, All my favorite songs are slow and sad.” But that’s only mostly true and this article isn’t recommending a Weezer song (that’s too easy of an argument to win).

Go listen: “Message Deleted” by Du Blonde

RIYL: The Softies if the band went to summer camp with Her Space Holiday and they listened to Liz Phair and Bright Eyes in the top bunk.

Today’s song recommendation is chock full of modern-indie-fuzz and digs into deep break-up emotions — specifically stage four, if you’re following along the “Mental Health Matters“’” stages of “denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.”

The eerie music box chime interludes take the listener into a black-out dream state with the lyrics weaving through the clouds of dejection and rock-ish guitar:

Don’t wanna believe it
I don’t wanna feel it
I just wanna die



Imaginary Liz
Three Imaginary Girls

Music superfan. I co-host a radio show {RIYL: obscure indie-pop, etc.} and I'm a co-founder of Three Imaginary Girls, a Seattle-based indie music/film blog.