Preacher’s Daughter: Ethel Cain Altered My Brain Chemistry

Listen at your own risk.

Matilda C.
Three Imaginary Girls


Photo by Joshua Rodriguez on Unsplash

[TW: this article talks about music that often mentions SA, Incest, Violence,Self-Harm, Suicide.]

Normally, I feel like I need time before I can review new music. I need to know all the ins and outs of the album, and everything about the artist. I want my articles to exude expertise, and I don’t want to act like an expert if I don’t actually feel like one on the subject. But this time I just couldn't wait to write this.

When I’m at work, doing absolutely nothing from nine to five, I try to use all the time I have on my hands to discover new artists, write music, and focus on my Medium page. While writing one of my less jolly lyrics on a Google Doc, Spotify starts playing a hauntingly beautiful lullaby-like song. The melody takes my breath away, and I feel like I might ascend to heaven from this shitty office chair. Eight minutes worth of this? What the hell have I been missing? I crack my knuckles like they do in the movies and click on the album of the piece of art I just listened to: Preacher’s Daughter.

Who is Ethel Cain?

Ethel Cain is the alias of Hayden Silas Anhedönia, an American singer-songwriter, musician, and producer. Her music is heavily inspired by Christian music and Gregorian…



Matilda C.
Three Imaginary Girls

I am deranged. I haven’t seen the 7 wonders. My bowels despise me. I write to try and make sense of it all. Questions?