What Is All The Screaming About? My First Encounter With Rock Fans Losing Their Minds

Not my best concert ever, but the best one to teach me everyone experiences concerts differently.

Jen D. Clark
Three Imaginary Girls


Image by Alexander Krivitskiy from Pixabay

Music can be an overwhelming spiritual experience

Have you ever watched those old videos or films of artists like Elvis or the Beatles? The girls and women in their audiences are screaming, fainting, reaching, clutching their chests, crying. Mass hysteria. It is frightening and somewhat disconcerting to behold.

Jesus take the wheel. Whatever has possessed these ladies?

When I first saw the footage at the tender age of 7 or 8 on some news show talking about the Beatles, I turned to my parents and asked, “Are those ladies okay?”

My Baptist mother said, “They are excited to see their favorite band. It’s a little silly, but sometimes people get caught up in their feelings and get carried away. You know, like the church where your babysitter goes to where they speak in tongues and do healings. It’s all very dramatic.” And the Baptists I grew up with only had drama about potluck suppers and what indicated Jesus was coming back.



Jen D. Clark
Three Imaginary Girls

Mom, writer since I wrote my complete autobiography at 7. I aspire to haunt the woods someday.