It’s Tuesday and I’m Making Tacos and Not Infringing on Anyone’s Trademark

Okay okay IT’S TACO TUESDAY all right?

Shannon Page
Three-Minute Reads
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2019


Photo by Chad Montano on Unsplash

I woke up this morning and wanted tacos. Tacos for dinner: I didn’t want them for breakfast. (I’m not a monster.)

Only later did I realize it’s Tuesday.

My husband usually does the cooking around here, but he’s kind of swamped at the moment and I just finished a big job and, well, I wanted tacos, so I offered to make dinner.

“You bet,” he said. Who doesn’t like to be cooked for?

Only this afternoon, hours after my hey it’s Tuesday realization, did I begin to wonder Why is it Taco Tuesday anyway? Why not Thimbleberry Thursday, or Mongoose Monday, or Sopapillas Saturday?

So I did a little research.

It’s fascinating, actually! You’d never believe. There’s actually a restaurant chain that has registered “Taco Tuesday” as a trademark, so we’re all supposed to put the little “R” after the words when we use them, and also not use them at all because they belong to that chain, and also not even eat tacos on Tuesday, or something.

This marvelous article lays it all out:



Shannon Page
Three-Minute Reads

Writer, editor, thinker of things, living on Orcas Island, Washington state.