Stop Being Inspired By Quotes That Aren’t Real, It Isn’t Good For You.

Context and truth matter and most of the popular quotes invoked by Self-Help gurus are just terribly false.

Just Hanging Out
Three Of Hearts


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Historical quotes, supposedly from wise and amazing people, have become like drugs for the disillusioned and broken. You hear these seductive little strings of word porn all the time by people who are trying to convince you of something, and so they invoke the faux wisdom of someone else who was supposedly a lot smarter than both of you.

There are, indeed, many real and excellent quotes out there, by truly brilliant minds. Unfortunately, when it comes to self-help, motivation, and productivity coaches, those quotes get entirely ignored, because they require critical thinking.

Instead, the false pushers of blind-faith-inspiration and spiritual-self-aggrandizing tend to spew bite-sized quotes by people who are popularly considered to have been wise, or otherwise extremely important and successful.

The problem is that these quotes are always either taken out of context, attributed to the wrong people, or are entirely fabricated. The result is that someone thinks they are receiving wisdom from someone credible and noble, when in fact, it could be the words of a murderous rapist…

