Breaking Down the Feel-Good Success of Broken Hearts Gallery

We haven’t felt like this about a rom-com since Crazy Rich Asians.

Shelby Rogers
Three, Two, One, Play


Wow okay first off, I realize we’ve posted zilch on this page since the dumpster fire known as 2020 happened. And if you’re one of our readers whose anxiously awaited the return of our reviews: we’re sorry.

(Special shoutout to Tyler Bradford, who asked me and Hamilton last weekend “are y’all still writing movie reviews? I liked reading those.” Here ya go, bud. This one’s for you.)

Given the state of *gestures to everything*, Hamilton and I’ve stuck to streaming films rather than hopping into a nearby AMC. However, we’ve had a handful of opportunities to sit down and enjoy a movie in-person — and crazier yet, we’ve even watched a movie together since the pandemic started! And here we are reviewing it!

But anyway, you’re not here for excuses. You’re here for Broken Hearts Gallery.

Thoughts Going Into the Film

I’ve largely stopped eye-rolling whenever a new romantic comedy hits theaters. (Reducing rom-coms to “chick flicks”…



Shelby Rogers
Three, Two, One, Play

Orlando-based Content Marketing Strategist // Sometimes I write the funny things. Sometimes I write the serious things.