Writing Prompts

Three Words Writing Challenge

Spark a story based on a place and 3 words

Paul Coogan
Three Words Writing Challenge
2 min readSep 30, 2021


Image by author

Most writing challenges pick a theme or a key word for the writer to run with, this challenge supplies you with three nearly random words and a location on planet earth for inspiration.

The process is easy peasy with no need for me to dole out words. Simply pick a location you find interesting, look up the three word address for that spot and get busy! Your story can be a poem, short story, travelogue, even a photo essay. The usual rules of Medium apply of course and well crafted work will be favored.

Satellite view on the what3words.com site showing an exact location.
Table for two at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. Screenshot by the author.

What3words has given every 3 meter square in the world a unique 3 word address so instead of telling your friend on the phone “Meet me at the table near the front entrance to the Dorthey Chandler Pavillion on the side nearest Grand Avenue” or “Meet me at 34.057422 -118.247933”. The first will get you a long sigh, the second, an eye roll you can hear through the phone. Instead with What3Words you can say “doors, could, spider”. Easy to say, easy to remember. Keep in mind the word order is important, “could, spider, door” will take you to the village of Boney…



Paul Coogan
Three Words Writing Challenge

(he/him/his) Project Manager, Artist, and Data Visualization/Activist Geek