Strange Clan : Art Quest 2021

The Clan Has Been Summoned…

Three Division
4 min readNov 13, 2021


Adventurers, painters, sketchers, visionaries, and jesters of the Clan, you are being called upon to use your talents and share your skills in the Strange Clan Art Quest.

If you choose to accept this quest, read on to learn what is required of you and what treasures could await you at the end.

The New Land

The New Land

You have fled your home because of a strange disease. After taking to the sea and traveling with your clan, you find yourself shipwrecked in a strange new land. It is up to you to document these first days in this new and mysterious land.

In this quest, there are three categories to choose from:

  • Landscape
  • Character
  • Meme


Just by entering the Art Quest, your art has a chance to be featured on the Strange Clan Twitter account and be part of the “Support Quest” for other Clan members to share as well.

First place in each category will get…

  • One ( 1 ) Strange Clan NFT character from the exclusive community classes ( only 25 of each exist! ) — Juno Walker, Shadowy Super Coder, and Cosmonaut ( randomly chosen for each winner ).
  • Token airdrops to characters!
  • 30 ATOM

Second place in each category will get…

  • One ( 1 ) Strange Clan NFT character from the exclusive community classes ( only 25 of each exist! ) — Juno Walker, Shadowy Super Coder, and Cosmonaut ( randomly chosen for each winner ).
  • Token airdrops to characters!

Third place in each category will get…

  • 20 ATOM

Exclusive Characters + Airdrops

Holders of the exclusive Strange Clan community characters will receive airdrops from the Cosmos token each character represents — $JUNO, $ATOM, and $AKT.

More details coming soon!


  • Any adventurer from anywhere in the world, aged 13 years or older may join in this quest.
  • Artwork will be submitted though Twitter. Share your art submission in a tweet along with the hashtag #StrangeClanArtQuest2021 and tag @thestrangeclan
  • By joining in this quest, you give us full permission to share your work (with credit) to any of our social platforms now or in the future.
  • Artists may enter as many of the categories as they wish and make as many entries as they wish!

Landscape & Character

  • You may use any 2D or 3D medium you wish!
  • We want your creativity to thrive but while staying in line with the Strange Clan world. All submissions should be inspired and referenced from existing Strange Clan content. This means no new classes or races, however new combinations of these will be accepted. We recommend taking a look at our #📸 game-art channel in Discord for inspiration.
  • Your art should be 100% original. No copying and pasting from screenshots or existing Strange Clan content.
  • No text in your image — let your work speak for itself!
  • Landscape submissions may have characters in them, and vice versa with Character submissions, if it enhances the artwork, however the main focus of all submissions should correspond with their chosen category and will be judged based on that category.


  • Anything goes! In a battle of wits, be creative, use any Strange Clan content or characters you desire, or build upon existing memes with Strange Clan themes to make us laugh, chuckle, guffaw and howl.

You will have 2 weeks to complete this quest, and all artwork must be submitted by 11:59PM EST on 11/27/21

After the submission period ends, all submissions will be judged by our Clan leaders and announced within a week.

Support Quest

For our Clan members who lack paints, pencils or meme ideas but wish to participate in this quest, fear not! You will have many opportunities to act as messengers and writers of history, and claim rewards of your own by sharing and promoting the Clan’s artistic and witty pieces.

We want to encourage building this community up, which is why we are also having a giveaway on Gleam!

  • Head over to our Gleam page and get involved in the Art Quest by sharing your Clan mates’ art submissions! Each artist’s post that you retweet from the page will give you an entry into the giveaway!
  • Keep a careful watch on the page, as we will keep adding new art submissions from Twitter throughout the competition period which will give you even more chances to enter.
  • Make sure each time you retweet an artwork, it is done through the Gleam page! It will not count toward the giveaway if it is only done through Twitter.
  • Each individual artwork retweeted will count as one entry. Retweeting the same artwork more than once will not count toward more entries.


Three users will be randomly chosen from the entries to receive 10 ATOM each!

This will be the first of many competitions to come, so this will not be the only opportunity to win a prize! Keep your eyes open for future competitions for our Clan musicians, animators and more.

