The Creative Process in Four Dimensions

The evolution of an idea

Three: Progress
3 min readAug 13, 2017


The creative process in four dimensions (starting with zero)

Consciousness and agency are human traits that give us the ability to engage in the process of creating tools, objects and environments. Because we can think in abstractions, we can imagine, design and build in ways that can transform our environment and can transform ourselves.

The four dimensions that we inhabit can be a metaphor for the creative process. The three spatial dimensions represent the initial stages of the process. The fourth dimension, time, represents the tangibility of objects within space as we interact with them.

Zero: A point, representing the lack of dimensionality.


It starts with an idea. Like a mathematical point, it has no concrete reality beyond the imagination. A point of origin. A single pixel of light. The nucleus of an idea. A spark of creativity. An indivisible particle. From a vast ocean of ideas springs a singular vision of the future.

One dimension establishes direction


An idea starts to become real as it gains momentum in a particular direction. It enters the first dimension of the conceptual process, moving one step closer to reality from the world of pure abstraction. Research and information gathering add dimension to the initial idea.

Two dimensions provides opportunity to define shapes


Once a direction has been established for the idea, a number of different concepts can start to take shape. Through exploration and experimentation, an idea takes on added dimension. At this stage, rough concepts are developed based on the research gathered previously.

Three dimensions requires the consideration of multiple points of view


The idea assumes a fully three-dimensional structure when a solution is developed that considers the different sides of a design problem and the various possible points of view. Integrated systems bring unity to the idea and ensure consistency across all media and applications.

The fourth dimension of time is something that we cannot control, but only observe


The idea becomes reality when it enters real time. It becomes a tangible entity that can be tested based on its ability to produce real world results. In terms of marketing or brand design, this might mean increased sales, a more cohesive corporate identity, a greater brand awareness, for example.

