Threshold Time ~ Issue #5 ~ June 2022

Published in
5 min readAug 7, 2022

Welcome to Threshold Time — a digest of some of the most newsworthy and exciting developments of Threshold Network, which formed from the Keep and NuCypher network merger in January. You are receiving this because you subscribed to email updates for NuCypher or Keep.


Staking bonus passed
The DAO proposal for extending the deadline to June 1st and increasing the bonus to 3% passed a snapshot vote on Wednesday, May 18th. Now that the snapshot temperature check has passed, this proposal will proceed to a formal on-chain proposal via Governor Bravo shortly. View all of the information in this special staking edition of Threshold Time.

Video guide to staking T
Interested in staking in Threshold Network but need a little hand holding? This video guide takes you step by step through each screen in the process using the Threshold Dashboard.

Threshold staking is also live on CoinList
Several weeks after launching Threshold token trading, CoinList added support for staking T and earning rewards.

Threshold website has re-launched
Your go-to page for all things Threshold, the website has been re-launched. In addition to accessing the project’s blog, Twitter, Discord, Telegram and Github pages, find the latest info on earning opportunities, including staking and liquidity providing, the flagship tBTC product, governance and news.

Security audit begun for tBTC v2
The dev teams recently kicked off a security audit for version 2 of tBTC. Least Authority auditors are looking at Sortition Pools, Random Beacon v2 and ECDSA v2.

Contribute to a Threshold guild and earn tokens
If you are interested in earning T tokens while helping build Threshold Network, check out our DAO guilds under the #dao-contribute channel in our Discord server.


Threshold “Learn & Earn” campaign launched with Binance
The result of much debate this spring on the pros and cons, as well as a passing snapshot vote, Threshold’s Marketing Guild created a campaign with Binance to introduce people to the network. View the explainer video here.

There are currently 1.9 billion T delegated
A Threshold delegate is a DAO member who aligns strongly with the mission of the Threshold Network and pledges to be responsible for voting on Threshold governance proposals with the vote weight that others have assigned to them. This never involves the transferring or custody of assets but rather just the vote weight those assets represent in the Threshold DAO. Vote weight can be re-delegated at any time.

Community member creates guides for delegating
Thanks to Vict0r for creating these step-by-step guides for delegating both staked and liquid T tokens!

Marketing Guild launches a Threshold node
In order to support the network and better understand the platform we are promoting, the Marketing Guild is running a node. Thanks to Benjamin (aka ZeroInFo56 in Discord) for the successful deployment!

Help the Threshold teams conduct user research
You can volunteer a bit of time to be interviewed by a dev team member and help enhance the design of our staking experience. Complete the survey here and you will be contacted shortly.


If you’re not already following @1fern2keys on Twitter, now is the time.

thUSD is coming to Threshold Network!

Ashley knows.


Until it’s your turn to be interviewed on “A Fern Between Two Keys”, come get some close-ups with these opportunities. (And meeting times can change, always good to check Discord > Events to confirm.)

Integration Guild call: Tuesdays at 1pm EST (find it in Discord > Voice channels > The Hangout)

Marketing Guild “office hours”: Tuesdays at 10am EST (Discord > Voice channels > The Hangout)

Weekly “T party”, hosted by Marketing Guild: Thursdays at 3pm EST (Discord > Voice channels > The Hangout)

Treasury Guild call: Thursdays at 5pm EST (Discord > Voice channels > The Hangout)

Community monthly call: last Friday of each month at 3pm EST (Discord > Voice channels > The Hangout)



Have questions, comments or suggestions for this newsletter? We’d love to hear them! Please take 60 seconds to fill out this survey (10 randomly selected responses will receive 250 Threshold tokens).

You can also hop into the Threshold Network discord and get involved. If you’d like to join the Threshold Marketing Guild go to the #claim-a-role channel at the top of the discord and select the emoji, which will open the guild channels to you (the Integrations Guild is available there, too).

Created and shipped with love,
by Threshold Marketing Guild

