Threshold and ETHDenver 2022

Published in
4 min readJul 30, 2022

Original publication by Ryan C, Rusty Mason Feb 2, 2022

ETHDenver and Threshold

Threshwho? NuCypher + Keep = Threshold!
Over the past several months the NuCypher and Keep communities have been hard at work on the first-ever on-chain merger between two decentralized networks. Both projects individually guarantee user sovereignty on the public blockchain through the use of threshold cryptography. Now together on the Threshold Network, Keep’s infrastructure and NuCypher’s privacy tools will offer users an integrated way to keep their digital assets private and secure.

Why Merge?
Turns out, both networks have privacy-preserving technology that require a number of nodes to secure the network. Instead of competing for market share, our communities decided that 1 + 1 = 3. Fast forward to today, and after months of community involvement, planning and execution, we’re now live as the Threshold Network with $T as our upgraded native token.

This unified network combines Keep’s ability to encrypt, store, and transmit private data through off-chain containers with NuCypher’s privacy tools, which include managing secrets across different environments, granting and revoking access to sensitive information, and processing encrypted data. These threshold cryptography primitives are accessible to smart contracts without compromising either the privacy of users nor the transparency of the network.

Threshold is Sponsoring ETHDenver 2022
We couldn’t think of a better time for an IRL “Hello World” than ETHDenver. This will be our 5th year as sponsors! We’re looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones.

A large contingent of the NuCypher and Keep team will be attending many events across both BUIDL week and the weekend main event.

Here’s where you can find us:

Opening Ceremony:
We’ll be attending the Opening Ceremony @ Friday, Feb 17th at 5:30pm MST. Always refer back to for the official times!

Threshold Talk:
We will be giving a 20-minute overview on Threshold.

Threshold Network and the wonderful world of threshold cryptography
Date: Feb 18
Time: 10:20am
Location: Sports Castle, Infinity Stage

Panel Discussion:
We will be participating in a panel discussion. The topic and time is TBD but will be announced shortly and this post will be updated.

Sponsor Table:
We have table #10 in the Shill Zone and will be opposite the ramp going up to level 3. Someone from Threshold will always be available to chat about the project, bounties, how to get started, or anything else you want to chat about. Make sure to stop by and pick up some awesome (and comfortable) swag we have planned.

What we’re looking to accomplish at ETHDenver:

During ETHDenver we’re looking for hackers, builders, marketers, meme’rs, Defi’ers, treasury managers, developers, and any potential new community members that want an exciting challenge to help grow the Threshold network.

How does someone get involved with Threshold??
The merge between Keep and NuCypher was a community-driven accomplishment. The Threshold Network is managed as a DAO with several guilds that propel the growth of the network. Right now we have:

Marketing Guild: The Threshold Marketing Guild has been formed to spread the word about Threshold, help ensure clarity in the public regarding the network’s mission and channel the enthusiasm of community members into resources beneficial to all. It’s super easy to join and contribute!

Integrations Guild: The Integrations Guild is about building relationships with other protocols and DAOs. Threshold’s flagship products tBTC (the only decentralized BTC bridge on Ethereum) and proxy re-encryption will both thrive alongside our partners and the broader ecosystem

Treasury Guild: 10% of the total T network tokens (1 billion $T) sit with the DAO treasury and will fuel Threshold’s growth If you have ideas or skills managing treasuries we’d love to hear from you.

ETHDenver and Threshold Bounties

Will there be a bounty for hackers?
Yes! We will have a few opportunities to earn some tasty $T tokens. Feel free to reach out before ETHDenver in our Discord or Twitter to chat more about the upcoming Hackathon so we can best prepare you for success.

Bounty Video for ETHDenver 2022!

BOUNTIES TOTAL: $20,000 USD worth of $T

Bounty 1:
Threshold is jointly sponsoring a bounty with Tally for the hackathon that runs from 2/11 until 3/20

We are offering $10,000 USD worth of $T for whoever builds a social recovery for non-custodial wallets using Tally and Threshold’s proxy re-encryption. (Virtual)

This is a joint bounty with Tally who is also offering $10,000 for a total of $20,000USD for this bounty!

Bounty 2:
We are offering $10,000 USD worth of $T for the most interesting project built utilizing any Threshold technology, including proxy re-encryption for managing permissions over encrypted data.

Check the official bounty page for submission requirements judging criteria and submission deadlines.

We’ll always be available at either Booth #10 in the shill zone (opposite the ramp going to floor 3) OR

The Threshold Discord: Ask us how to get started with using Threshold.

Proxy Re-encryption
Our development guide to start building with NuCypher:

NuCypher Network

Ideas from past hacks



Threshold Content Hub

Threshold Github

Threshold Telegram

