1 Thing You’ve GOTTA Do To Succeed

Christine McAlister
6 min readApr 24, 2019


So that you can become an income-replacing, passionate entrepreneur

There’s 1 simple thing you’ve got to do to set yourself up for success as an income-replacing, passionate entrepreneur.

It’s not a tactical strategy.

It’s not an algorithm to master.

It’s not the next hot thing (or how Facebook ads are dying).

It’s not sexy, but it IS true. To replace your income, start doing this NOW:

Exercise self-trust.

How do you know whether or not you’re exercising self-trust?

If you are…

Clicking on a bunch of opt-ins/ads/webinars…

Pursuing more than 1 business idea…

Googling or reading more and more business advice and not doing any of it…

Feeling like you have nothing to say and no one wants to hear from you…

… Then, your self-trust muscle might need a workout.

If, on the other hand, you are…

Crystal-clear on your goals and what you’re pursuing…

Executing your action plan with faith in the process…

Showing up daily to put your content out into the world…

…Your self-trust muscle is getting tight and toned (not that as a 7-months-pregnant lady I know much about that!).

Self-Trust Does Not Equate to Fearlessness

If all this talk of self-trust feels like a foreign concept to you, I understand and I’ve been there. We ALL get hung up on all the hows, whether that looks like “analysis paralysis,” endless pondering or researching, or another form of stopping ourselves. Whatever the next right step for you feels like, it also probably feels really scary. Here’s an important truth about this:

Exercising your self-trust muscle does NOT mean you won’t be scared.

There have been so many times in my business that I’ve been terrified!

When I invested in myself for the first time.

When I first made the announcement of what I was doing with my business.

When I quit my job.

When I made my first sale and booked my first client.

Exercising self-trust means that you are honest about what you want and you do it even if you’re scared.

I know this is a MUCH vaguer concept than “go post fill-in-the-blank number of times on Facebook or Instagram,” so let’s break it down.

Where Are You on the Self-Trust Scale?

Here are a few insightful questions to ask yourself to help you ascertain your level of self-trust (and, your next steps from there):

#1 — Are you waiting until your business makes money until you invest in yourself or your business, even though you KNOW that’s the thing that would help you grow?

Well…that isn’t showing self-trust. Instead, that’s putting pressure on your business baby to operate successfully when it hasn’t yet had the chance to learn (like expecting a human baby to talk when it hasn’t had that modeled).

That’s pressure on YOU as a budding entrepreneur, to figure out how to be a successful entrepreneur, before you’ve learned or been trained. And often, it comes down to a lack of self-trust in this way: your brain, your fear, is telling you that you don’t trust yourself to make the money back.

#2 — Are you looking around at what other people are doing and trying to reverse engineer their success?

Saying, “If I could only do what they’ve done,” demonstrates a lack of self-knowledge and self-trust.

BELIEVE me, after 14 years as an entrepreneur (and helping countless high-achievers become entrepreneurs, too), I can say with absolute conviction that this is a truism: What worked for them is no guarantee for you.

You must learn YOUR own unique way, do not try and copy someone on the outside.

Even with all my entrepreneurial experience, I STILL fell into this trap years ago — I had a mentor teach me the only strategy she knew to build her business (because it was all she knew, it was all she could teach), and it wasn’t right for me.

What do you do instead?

Approach it as the beautiful unique person that you are.

If you’re getting support already or are considering hiring some, ask yourself “are you learning from someone who has done a lot of different things and can help you sort out what is the right strategy for you, your personality and how you want your business to function?”

Make sure this is a YES for maximum results.

#3 — How long does it take you to make a decision?

That’s a really good indicator of how much you trust yourself. Knowing when to say, “This feels right to me” and, “My gut is telling me this is right” is huge.

The most successful people make up their minds quickly and change their minds slowly — because they trust themselves.

Your indecisiveness leads to a holding pattern that continues to perpetuate your own fears and lack of trust in yourself.

More questions to ask yourself to determine how you fair when it comes to self-trust…

— Do you talk yourself out of things that you had initially gotten really excited about, because later, you doubt that they could work?

— Do you tend not to speak up, get visible, share your message because you think have nothing original to say or that someone else has already said it, and better?

— Do you hold yourself back from growing your business because someone else is doing it better than you (or so you perceive)?

— Have you started your business or are you thinking about it all the time?

— Have you had a hard time pricing?

— Are you procrastinating endlessly?

— Are you hiding out because you’re fearing negative feedback?

— Are you trying too many things and not seeing results with any of them?

Trusting Yourself: Where to Start

So, what do you do instead? HOW exactly do you change how you feel so that your actions will change, too?

The first thing you need to do is take the next step in front of you, to begin demonstrating, and building up that self-trust muscle. When you take action toward ANYTHING, you’re going to #1 relieve your anxiety and #2 get clarity. And if you want to be a successful entrepreneur, no more hiding and no more deferring to other people — because YOU’VE got this.

Theodore Roosevelt said, “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.”

The second thing I recommend is asking yourself the right questions.

Today I talked with a client about strategies, and all the endless options in front of her. With so many different paths to take, I asked her, “Which one sounds fun to you?”

It took her aback because it’s SUCH a foreign and novel idea, in our employee-mindset world full of “shoulds” and “we have to work hard and grind to be successful” to ask that question instead of “what is the exact right thing that I MUST do?”

In fact, my client she had come from a background in corporate where “Which one sounds fun to you?” was NOT a valid question she had ever had the luxury of asking.

Now, building her own business, she can and, in fact, it’s the wisest question to, ask herself that.

What would YOUR answer be?

You might say things like:

I love to write! That’s how I want to connect with people.

I love being spontaneous, I don’t want to livestream at a scheduled time every week but I DO want to show up when I feel inspired.

I love Instagram and get stressed out on Facebook, so I’m going to focus on building my audience over there.

When you listen to your own voice, your own personality, preferences and passions, then it makes it FAR easier to start exercising that crucial self-trust — and generating the excitement and motivation — you need to keep yourself moving forward.


So right now — TODAY — what’s just one thing that sounds fun to you in your business?

How can you break that down to take the next right step for you and, of course, in doing so, to grow your self-trust in the process (double-win!)?

Next Steps

If you want to learn more about how I built my dream from a twinkling in my eye to a thriving 6-figure business, and how you too can ditch your 9–5 for good, you can download the first chapter to my best-selling book, The Income Replacement Formula: 7 Simple Steps to Doing What You Love & Making 6 Figures From Anywhere for FREE by clicking here.



Christine McAlister

Business Coach for high-achievers; author of #1 bestseller The Income Replacement Formula, get Chapter 1 free at LifeWithPassion.com/freechapter