10 Mistakes Women Are Making In Their Health & Fitness

And How To Fix Them

Emily Steele
Thrive Global


I see it (and hear it) everyday: women feeling frustrated and confused in their pursuit of a better, healthier body. Many of us often feel like we’re missing out on some secret, like there’s just one thing we need to know, do or buy to get into the shape we want to be in.

Not just from my perspective as a personal trainer and women’s health coach, but as a woman myself — I totally get it. In addition to the societal pressures to look a certain way, we’re bombarded everywhere with tips, tricks, secrets, shakes, teas, wraps, and a new fad diet seems to surface every 6 months.

It’s no surprise we’re obsessed with changing out bodies and clueless about how to do it.

I’ve been there myself and can, unfortunately, very much relate to the women who come to me saying, “I just don’t get what I’m doing wrong. What else can I do?”

In all of my conversations and consultations, I’ve found that most “mistakes” women are making in their health and fitness pursuits eventually circle back to about 10 main things.

1. Not drinking enough



Emily Steele
Thrive Global

lifter of heavy things: thoughts, words, weights, burdensome beliefs