10 Qualities Every Social Media Manager Should Possess

AmmaR Kanchwala
Thrive Global
Published in
3 min readMay 15, 2014

Social Media manager is one of the most popular new career choices in India. People that love technology and communication are finding the career choice to be a perfect fit. A lot of people are also finding out that they don’t have what it takes to be a Social Media manager. Here are 10 things we think it takes to be a great social media manager.

1) You’ve got to love it.

Being a Social media manager can be a very demanding job. Because of it’s demands, the person has to really love what their doing.

2. You’ve got to be Tech Savvy

From Twitter, Snapchat, to WordPress being tech savvy is a MUST to be a great Social Media manager.

3. You’ve got to be a people person

When you’re a Social Media manager you are constantly talking to people. If talking to people makes you cringe, this job probably isn’t for you.

4. You’ve got to love to research

The Social Media industry changes every day. Reading up on websites like, Mashable, KissMetrics, Social Media wala and other marketing websites is a must.

Communicating is going to be 90% of your job. If you don’t like the art of communication…this isn’t going to go well for you.

6. You’ve got to be able to plan

Content calendars will become your best friend. Planning ahead what content you’re going to use can easily make or break you.

7. You’ve got to be able to listen

Being a Social Media manager isn’t all about talking. You’ve also got to be able to listen to your customers!

8. You’ve got to be analytical

If you got into the Social Media industry because you thought it wouldn’t involve numbers, sorry but you’re wrong. Running reports and looking at numbers is a vital skill to being a great Social Media manager.

9. You’ve got to be patient

Getting your brand to go viral isn’t something that happens over night. A good Social Media campaign takes time, patience, and a lot of work. Buckle in, this is going to take a while.

10. You’ve got to have a sense of humor

The Internet can be a weird place full of commenters that want nothing but to get you down. The one thing you always need to remember is that you’re awesome, no matter what the Internet trolls think

Originally published at socialmediawala.com on May 15, 2014.

