10 Things I Do Every Day To Grow My Career

J.T. O'Donnell
Thrive Global
Published in
2 min readDec 26, 2016
Image courtesy of Unsplash.

As the founder of a site dedicated to helping people fix their own career problems, I’ve always felt I should practice what I preach. The name Work It Daily explains it all. Myself and my teammates truly believe small amounts of consistent activity in your career is not only easier to stick with, it yields powerful results. I’ve been following this routine for years. It has taken me from being a one-person consulting firm to being part of a thriving company that serves millions of professionals.

This is the list of 10 things I try to do every workday.

Yes, there are days when I don’t get them all done, but I do my best to deliver. It has proven very effective for me. They are:

  1. Read something related to my industry.
  2. Read something related to business development.
  3. Send two emails to touch base with old colleagues.
  4. Empty my private client inbox by responding to all career and HR coaching questions within one business day.
  5. Check in with each team member on their progress.
  6. Have a short non-work related conversation with every employee.
  7. Review my top three goals for my company that are focused on its growth.
  8. Identify and execute one task to support each of my top three goals.
  9. Post five valuable pieces of content on all my major social media accounts.
  10. Take a full minute to appreciate what I have and how far I’ve come.

This list could be longer. BUT…

If it was longer, I wouldn’t be as good at getting them all done. This list is manageable to me. Of course, I do more than these ten things every day. But, these are the ten I choose to do with consistency. Why? Over the years, they’ve proven the best way for me to grow my career and my business. The collective results have made completing these tasks consistently; even when I don’t feel like it, well worth it.

What do you do every day with consistency an how has it helped your career?

I’d love to hear from others.

P.S. — If you are feeling in a career rut, come join me for a free 20-minute webinar where I explain how the 5,000+ professionals have gotten unstuck using the 3Cs. I guarantee this session will change how you look at your career growth forever. CLICK HERE to sign up for an upcoming session…



J.T. O'Donnell
Thrive Global

CEO of WorkItDaily.com — #1 provider of job search & career growth coaching to people who need it most via our phone app & online platform