3 Ways to Avoid Mindlessness Social Media Posts

Crystal J. Gibson
Thrive Global
Published in
3 min readAug 29, 2018

My grandmother was the core reason for my personal posts on social media.

Our family birthdays, vacations, and school events were shared to keep her updated.

Since she passed away earlier this year — I’ve been challenged with grounding my intentions on social in a new core purpose.

Otherwise, I’m just maintaining personal social media pages full of mindlessness posts.

“There is no greater mindlessness and absurdity than to force conscience and the spirit with external power, when only their creator has authority for them.” — Ferenc Dávid

Mindlessness posts are focused on:

  • Labels — only sharing what fits into the label/category you perceive yourself to be in (i.e. mother, wife, businesswoman)
  • Automatic behaviors — instant reactive posts
  • Acting from a single perspective — only taking your opinion into consideration

3 ways to avoid mindless posts:

  1. Keep the three levels of consciousness in mind when online:

Conscious — what you see posted

Preconscious — what is happening that you don’t see

Unconscious — why do you interpret what you see the way you do

2. Be still by practicing meditation:

Write a draft post.

Sit in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.

Control your mind by taking three slow breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Once your mind is calm; block any thoughts for five minutes.

Afterwards, review your post draft and adjust as needed.

3. Enhance the energy of your intentions by using reiki:

Draw the Cho Ku Rei symbol on your hands with your index finger/ in the air and beam it in the direction of your hands before you begin your post. The symbol means “Placing the power of the universe here”. As the activator symbol, you can use it to help balance and release the power of your intentions for the post.

How do you avoid mindlessness posts on social media? Share your approach with us in the comments section below.

Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2018 Crystal Gibson

Originally published at www.citybornsouthernliving.com on August 29, 2018.

