4 Tips for Your Annual Digital Review

Crystal J. Gibson
1 min readDec 20, 2019


As you begin to audit your digital footprint, simplifying your spaces for the new year, here are some tips to help you make room for more positive energy.


  • Unsubscribe from reoccurring unread messages
  • Organize folders
  • Clear spam folders
  • Delete/archive old emails
  • If possible, consolidate email accounts

Social Media

  • Remove dormant/negative followers and followings
  • Update your profile picture, background banners, and details
  • Delete unused accounts

Electronic Devices

  • Remove unused apps and downloads
  • Delete or archive old files
  • Organize folders and apps
  • Remove unused contacts

Internet Browsers

  • Clear your cache
  • Remove unused favorites and add-ins
  • Remove unused internet browser apps
  • Organize navigation bar favorites

Feel free to share more tips with us in the comments.

Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2019 Crystal Gibson

Originally published at http://www.citybornsouthernliving.com on December 20, 2019.

