5 Incredible Hacks to Change Your Money Story

Put Yourself in the Power Position

Sherry Parks
Thrive Global
5 min readOct 25, 2018


I recently read a post on Facebook from a friend whose son had struggles in school. He was younger than others in his class and it showed up in a lot of ways. After a disheartening meeting with the school, my friend made a bold decision. She decided to change the story. She knew that her son could overcome his obstacles, but she also knew that she had to change the story in her own head so that she could help him change the story that was building in his life. So, she started taking some committed action steps toward just that. Spending extra time working with her son and encouraging him and building him up. Before long, he smashed through multiple barriers that felt completely impossible just a few months before.

I love this story so much! It shows the power of positive thinking, but it also clearly shows that action is the key to changing the story. My friend decided to change the story for her son and herself. Making that decision put her in the power position of creating a new story. Yes, it required hard work and sacrifice both for her and her son. But the outcome was so worth it because the story was hers; not what circumstance dictated and certainly not what other people said the story was.

I work with clients who have the same types of struggles with their money story. The current story is dictated by what they’ve heard for years, by circumstances that may be beyond their control or by decisions that they’ve made that just didn’t turn out as they planned. The good news is that my clients (and YOU too!) have the opportunity to change their story by making the decision that they are going to have a different story. That decision puts the power back in their hands to create the money story that fits what they want for their lives.

There are lots of ways to take back that power and begin to change your money story. Today, I’m going to share five tools I use with my clients.

Spend some time going to the dark side. Now this may sound a little corny like I’m going to outer space and all that Star Wars evil darkness, but I promise, I’m not!

The dark side is the place inside you where fears lurk and things are just negative and dark. Before you can heal your money story and get confident in your ability to keep the money you have and attract more when you need it, you have to spend some time over there in the dark.

I’m not talking about camping out there and wallowing in the dark. But spending a little time digging in and figuring out what is keeping you stuck. Only when you shine some light on those hidden fears and negative thoughts can change begin.

So spend some time digging around into your story and the negative things that are driving that story, so that you can begin to shine a light into those dark corners and quench the fear and negativity that they are hiding.

Get specific. When you have a deep desire to change your money story, you have to get specific. I mean really specific. I often hear from clients that they have clear goals on what they want for their money story. But those goals are general and not specific enough to create change.

For example, you might say “My goal is to have enough money to pay my bills without worrying”. Okay, great. But how much is enough? When do you start worrying? This goal is way too general. A better goal would “I need to bring in $6,000 per month to pay my bills easily.”

Take a look at your money goals and see if they are general or specific, then change those that need to be more specific. The specificity is going to move you toward YOUR perfect money story.

Participate. I recently moved from WV to FL. I didn’t just say I was going to move to the beach and POOF it happened! Like that would have been awesome, but sooooo not life! I actually had to participate and take action to make it happen.

It’s the same for changing your money story. You actually have to participate and take action. Take action can be as simple as doing one of the following.

· Track your money

· Increase the amount you’re saving

· Eliminate some fluff in the budget

· Celebrate your wins

· Get extra rest

There are so many action steps you can take to participate in moving you toward your goal. The key is to keep on showing up and making it clear you are serious about having a new money story.

Share your goal publicly. Don’t hide behind the fear of jinxing things or fear of failure. Put yourself out there and tell people what you are doing and why.

People will believe you and that leads you to start believing it as well. This also shows your level of seriousness in truly changing your money story.

This can feel scary, but it can also feel exciting. Ask yourself how much fear and excitement this makes you feel. If there about equal parts of each, that means you are on the right track and it’s time to share!

When I decided I wanted to move to FL, I did two things. I told people that I was going to move to FL, but I took it a step further and called a real estate agent to see what I needed to do to list my house. By sharing publicly this way, I really started to believe in my dream AND I had a level of accountability because my agent wanted the house listing and she kept checking on my progress.

Keep things fun! Give yourself permission to do things you enjoy and have fun! If you allow yourself to do something you enjoy even for a few minutes a day, you will find that it is much easier to stay motivated to take the action needed to change your money story.

Whatever makes you happy, do that. As often as you can. Because happiness and joy a huge motivators.

Are you in the power position when it comes to your money story? Have you made the bold decision to change your money story? It really can be that simple. I’d love to hear from you! Comment below and tell me how you changed or would like to change your money story.

Sherry Parks is a Wellness Coach who helps women escape feeling stuck and trapped by their finances, so that they find joy and abundance in their life. Check out her new money mindset program here.

To connect with Sherry, join her women-only Facebook group Lives in Balance.



Sherry Parks
Thrive Global

I help women who feel stuck and unhappy with their finances by using fun and transformative tools.