5 Steps to Replace Your Income by Creating What Your People Want to Buy

Christine McAlister
Thrive Global
Published in
4 min readOct 24, 2018

… Even if your audience is small or non-existent!

I hear from a lot of high-achievers about how they’re feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and down about how to figure out what to offer, how to price, and what in the world people are even buying.

Here’s how it goes down…

We get excited about an idea for our business or a title for ourselves. Then the first thing we do is get on Facebook or Insta and start looking for peeps who are doing that same thing. Because of the algorithms, the ones who pop up first? They’re the ones who have beautiful brands, a cohesive offer and tonnnnnnns of followers.

And then we feel depressed because they’re so much farther along and what’s the point of even starting and…


Have you ever done this? Confession: Me too.

It’s a major Debbie Downer because you walk away feeling like there’s NO SPACE FOR YOU.

Here’s how to break through that and show up anyway, so that YOU can succeed at the level you want to:

First of all, it’s cliche, but it’s true: EVERYONE who has “made it” has started out with zero audience and zero income.

But beyond that knowledge, here are the practical steps you need to create exactly what your audience wants to buy so that you can replace your income (even if your audience is small or even non-existent)!

1. Keep it simple (FOR THE LOVE, please!!!!).

Give yourself permission that it doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be very very simple.

You don’t have to replicate the leader in your industry with a big logo, fancy website or a million offers. It doesn’t have to be fancy or complicated — in fact, it SHOULDN’T be, because confused people don’t buy!

Instead of doing any of that external stuff that isn’t ACTUALLY going to bring dolla-dolla-billz into your account, start with figuring out your niche.

Everything else flows out of knowing your niche, so don’t skip it.

Seriously. Do you know your niche?

2. Talk to peeps (official term: informal market research).

Once you know your niche, it’s time to do some really simple market research with them. Don’t freak out; all that means is having some conversations with people who are in your niche.

For example: I knew my niche was high-achievers who felt stuck in a job they hated or without the income and freedom they wanted.

I didn’t have an official audience, but I had friends who hated their jobs (as let’s face it, most people do).

So, I reached out and asked if we could chat for 30 minutes, where I’d ask them some questions. I told them it was for an assignment (you can too — I’m assigning you this task right now!).

I asked them questions like:

1. Tell me about your job and how you feel about it now.
2. If you could wave a magic wand, what would you want your work to look like, and why?
3. What’s got you feeling stuck in getting to that vision?

Seriously, these questions are pure gold.

Record their answers and the exact words they use to describe them. Don’t paraphrase. Hearing how your niche actually talks about the problems you ultimately want to address is so valuable, because you can turn right back around and use them in your messaging!

Easiest writing hack EVER!

3. Build the bridge.

When you have those answers, imagine that your offer is like a bridge. Your person is on one side and their goal is to be on the other side of the bridge. What bridge can you design to get them there? With what you have to offer them through your knowledge and experience, you build the bridge to get them to their goals — and that’s your offer. So ask yourself:

How does MY area of expertise combine with what my people need to bridge the gap?

Now create a package or product you believe will help.

Do you have a clear offer?

4. Create magnetic messaging.

You’ve already done the hardest part, because thanks to your market research, you now have the exact words you need to market to your niche!

Your job is to extrapolate the themes, and then use the language they gave you to write about what you have to offer them. And then…

Share that messaging, whether through writing or video, on your platform of choice.

Are you consistently sharing your message?

5. Convert your leads into clients.

Have real conversations about how you can help them. Help them see what’s possible and how your offer is going to solve their frustrations and fears.

That’s it.

Seriously. That’s the whole game. Rinse and repeat.

Are you taking your visibility and having meaningful sales conversations that convert to clients?


I know that some of these steps might feel easier than others, especially if you’re new to this. I challenge you to seek out accountability and encouragement from those on the same path that you are.

Those who are a few steps ahead of you on the path are invaluable resources, and more importantly, those who “get it” are essential to encouragement and support. You can find this community in my private Facebook group, The Passionate and Profitable Entrepreneur Society, or find another that works for you.

Comment below and let me know how you plan to put these steps into action!

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Ready for more simple strategies to get out of your own way, replace your income and build your dream business? Grab my #1 bestselling book, The Income Replacement Formula: 7 Simple Steps to Doing What You Love & Making 6 Figures From Anywhere.

You can also download the first chapter for FREE by clicking here.



Christine McAlister
Thrive Global

Business Coach for high-achievers; author of #1 bestseller The Income Replacement Formula, get Chapter 1 free at LifeWithPassion.com/freechapter