6 Un-Common Ways To Become Highly Productive Today!

Stop the P bug in it’s tracks.

Karen Donaldson
Thrive Global
3 min readApr 26, 2017


Have you ever had those days where you thought you had accomplished a lot and felt super busy all day? But, when you sat down for a moment, you realized that you hadn’t completed much at all? We have all had those days. For some people, they have those unproductive days a little too often.

Let’s talk about how to nip the P bug it the butt!

Some people would say that some of my productivity strategies are uncommon. But, uncommon or not, they work. Tried, tested and tooted by my clients and I who are seeing the results in their careers, business, and personal life. Most important we are experiencing an increase in leisure time, decrease in work time and getting more done in less time. Here are my most un-conventional strategies to become highly productive.

Work Less.

Yes I know this sounds counter productive. If you start working less, you will have to think really hard about what you will spend your time doing. It will cause you to focus on the task that will get you closer to your goals faster. It will also force you to work harder because you have limited time. It re-creates that pre-vacation effect. (your flight leaves in 12 hours and you manage to get everything that you should of completed over the last 2 weeks).

Say no.

Take back control of your time. Say no to favors, or anything that takes you away from accomplishing your weekly goals. Focus only on the thing you’re looking to achieve.

Give In to Your Fear.

We all feel fear — it is what it is! I want to give in to your fear, acknowledge it, own it, embrace it, say it out loud and then: Do what you fear most. That’s right, feel your fear and do it anyway. Say; “I fear this and I’m doing this now.”

Stop multi-tasking.

Stop switching from task to task quickly, it does not work, no matter how you want to justify it — it doesn’t work. Studies have shown that multitasking is generally unproductive. It you do get more things done it produces crappy quality.

Know you peak productivity times.

Let’s be real, not everyone is a 5am morning type of person — and that’s ok. But, do know when “your in the zone time is”, the time of the day where you are most focused and can get things done at the drop of a dime.

Only have, and go to productive meetings.

The true purpose of meetings is to move you forward. If you have to go to one, ensure you have a specific outcome in mind, otherwise refuse to attend. What I mean is, don’t blatantly refuse, but help others re-focus by asking the questions; what’s the purpose of the meeting and what is the expected outcome. It’s helps everyone start to become more effective and efficient with their time.

So here is how I want you to use the strategies listed above. Each week commit to implementing only one strategy, and slowly add 1 more as the weeks move one. Some of the strategies you read may involve change overtime, but many are as simple as re-connecting and knowing yourself.

The tools are now in your hand to be more productive today. I challenge you to do something different and get more done in less time.



Karen Donaldson
Thrive Global

Helping Individuals Create & Live A Life with No Excuses Self-Leadership/Confidence/Public Speaking Coach. Life Lover! www.karendonaldsoninc.com