7 Commitments You Must Make to Yourself to Succeed

Sandeep Kashyap
Thrive Global
Published in
5 min readJun 4, 2018

There are two types of people in the world.

Type 1: Those who wish and yearn.

Type 2: Those who wish, commit, and achieve.

Do you know what’s the difference between the Type 1 and Type 2 kind of people?


It’s your level of commitment to what you’re doing that is going to decide your level of success in it. Sadly, most people just stop after the ‘wish’ part and hardly take the pain to commit to their dreams. Probably that is what stops them to be successful in any endeavor.

Let’s get this straight that there is no shortcut to success. The only way to be successful is to take the long road and follow your pursuit with hundred percent dedication and commitment to it.

However, the road to success isn’t easy as it sounds to be. You have to make several commitments to yourself to reach there and live the life you’ve dreamt in your dreams.

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Hereby, I bring you the seven commitments that one must make to himself on his pursuit to success:

#1 Commitment: Believing in yourself

You have got to believe in yourself before others start believing in you. Whatever is that you would like to achieve, make sure that you believe in it and trust your abilities to accomplish it.

The problem is that people tend to underestimate their capabilities that stops them to reach their true potential. Take a notebook and write your strengths, uniquenesses, greatest achievements and accomplishments in it and read them aloud every morning. This little technique can do wonders to strengthen your belief in yourself.

Everyday, I see so many people with a lot of potential but their low self-esteem and lack of confidence is getting in their way to success. It’s essential to accept yourself and believe in abilities to live your best life.

#2 Commitment: Taking massive action everyday

Now that you know what you want to pursue in life, it’s time to make an action plan for it. Whether your goals are small or big, you need to be commit yourself to take massive action every single day without any excuses.

It starts with preparing your brain to passionately chase your dreams or whatever you are passionate about in life. You can begin by making a plan. Well, there are many planning tools out there to help you out. While making your action plan, make sure you customize it as per your needs and strengths.

Don’t be too casual or overly ambitious about them. Be as realistic as possible so that you are inspired enough to take massive action on them everyday without any excuses.

#3 Commitment: Being adaptable and learning continually

Adaptability and zeal to grow can take you places in life. It’s sad to see that people are too rigid in their thoughts and beliefs that they reject any suggestions or new approach given to them. It can be dangerous for their career and overall life in general.

In the words of Charles Darwin, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”

Learn as much as you can from whosoever you want as it would be something no one can take away from you. Never stop learning as most times there are more than one way to do a same thing. The moment you shed your preconceived notions and embrace adaptability, opportunities will automatically present themself in the most unexpected ways.

#4 Commitment: Willingness to lose some sleep and saying NO

Success often comes to those who are willing to do whatever it takes to be successful. You would not only have to work your butt off but might have to say no to several things that don’t align with your goals.

It might be tempting to go shopping or party with friends on weekends but working on your startup or writing your next blog is what is going to make to make an actual difference. If you are working on your job during day then the only way to work on your dream is by losing some sleep.

One more thing, start saying NO more often. It might take a lot of courage to say no to friends but doing it will make your life more successful and happier than theirs.

#5 Commitment: Not doing unethical or immoral stuff

There are two ways to succeed: the easy way and difficult one. Going for an easy way means doing ‘whatever’ it takes to reach there — by hook or by crook. It means taking shortcuts, favors, doing unethical things that go against the moral compass. Now, the commitment is not to do any of the things mentioned above.

You might get seduced with the idea of doing something unethical and get quick results. However, such things always come with a price — that can easily ruin everything within a snap of a finger. Remember that the journey to success is going to test your character along with dedication.

#6 Commitment: Maintaining proper work-life balance

Do you know what is the single most important thing in your life? It’s nothing else but your health. Your physical and mental health plays an important part in your life as everything directly or indirectly depends on it.

Don’t get too consumed in working hard that you start ignoring your health. If you’ve worked tirelessly for straight 40 hours, it makes sense to give your body the rest it deserves. If you’re working on weekends, try spending at least a few hours with your near and dear ones and recharge your batteries.

#7 Commitment: Never giving up.

As cliche` as it may sound but never giving up on yourself is the ultimate mantra to success. As you walk through life, you will fall down many times. You might also make mistakes and fail, and it’s absolutely okay. That’s life and things will happen but never let this hamper your spirits in any way.

Keep in mind that in order to succeed and become your best version, you have to have a lot of faith in yourself. This indomitable spirit will help you get through these tough times a bit easily. Don’t give up ever — come what may.

Over to you…

The thing about commitment is that it means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you. Now, it is up to you would like to commit yourself and act on things or let them happen to you.

Author Bio:

Sandeep Kashyap is the Founder and CEO of ProofHub — a leading project management and collaboration software. He’s one person always on a lookout for innovative ideas about filling the communication gap between groups, teams, and organizations. You’ll find him saying, “Let’s go!” instead of “Go!” many times a day. That’s what makes him write about leadership in a way people are inspired to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more.



Sandeep Kashyap
Thrive Global

Internet Entrepreneur, CEO of SDP Labs and Founder of ProofHub