7 Motivating Podcasts for Entrepreneurs

7 Podcasts for Entrepreneurs Who Need a Reminder to Keep Moving

Kim Sutton
Thrive Global
5 min readJan 3, 2018


If I dared to tell you I’ve never fallen victim to “Comparison Syndrome” I’d be blatantly lying. The truth is, I’ve fallen victim dozens, if not hundreds, of times.

Perhaps you know the feeling. It usually comes with one or more of the following thoughts…

“How’d they get that successful?”

“How come I’m not earning that much?”

“What am I doing wrong?”

Personal and professional development played a MAJOR role in my 2017, and I (eventually) realized I needed to squash thoughts like these. Now, when I find myself doubting my current level of success, I take a step back, remind myself I’m doing the best I can, and turn on one of the following podcasts.


I don’t think I have listened to an episode yet where Jessica Stansberry and Jaclyn Mellone haven’t had me laughing at least once. As a fellow mompreneur I may relate more to the content then others, however I find the mix of transparency with tips and tricks to be completely refreshing.

Jessica and Jaclyn have the amazing ability to make listeners feel like they are part of the conversation as they share how they attempt to balance their busy lives with clients, husbands, kids, product launches, team members and more. Their episodes vary in format between interviews with guests, on-air coaching sessions and chats with only Jessica and Jaclyn, which keeps listeners like me entertained and alert.

Tune in at http://allupinyourladybusiness.com/.


Every time I subscribe to a new podcast, I go back to the very beginning so as to not miss out on any of the early goodness. I’m so glad I didn’t stray from this when I began listening to Jess. She has been on such an incredible journey, and has shown me time and time again that no matter what life changes we experience, we can choose (or not) to keep moving forward.

Lately I have been especially fascinated to listen to how Jess is manifesting greatness into her life as she lives abroad, as well as how she is living with what she needs rather than the unnecessities that she wants but has no need for. Looking around my office/house and listening to her, I am tempted to whip out garbage bags and donation boxes and start filling them with all the extra stuff so we can focus on being truly grateful for our blessings rather than our belongings.

Tune in at http://jesslively.com/livelyshow/.


Cliff’s story is truly inspiring, and in many episodes he shares stories from his past to show how he got to where he is today. Although Cliff built an impressive reputation as The Podcast Answerman, I’ve been especially fascinated lately by his transition away from his podcasting-related revenue generating activities to a new income stream (The Next Level Mastermind and Workshops) which are aligned more with his current passion of helping full-time employees transition into a new role as full-time business owner.

Cliff continually provides actionable advice paired with stories about how that same advice worked for him, which motivates me to go and do the same in my own business. As an added bonus, if you prefer video content over audio, Cliff captures video of him recording each podcast, which you can watch on either Facebook or YouTube. While his decade of podcasting has him tremendously more polished than I am (or probably ever will be), I sooooo appreciate seeing what goes on behind his scenes, including his rare blooper moments.

Tune in at: https://podcastanswerman.com/category/pam/


Listening to Ray instilled a lot of the confidence I needed to be authentic on my own podcast. His episodes, which are longer format, combine sound business advice with spiritual, bringing the Bible into business. While there is always the risk of offending those who don’t share the same religious belief, Ray’s content reminds me (in the very best way) that we can’t please everyone so we should always stay true to ourselves.

Tune in at: http://rayedwards.com/podcast-archives/


I was introduced to Shane and Jocelyn Sams just before they were guests on my podcast, and immediately their story blew me away. After finding themselves forced to choose between taking care of their child’s immediate need or staying at their job, they realized a major life change was needed. Since 2012, they have learned how to make (hundreds of) thousands of dollars each month in their own businesses, and have gone on to teach other families how to leave their day jobs doing the same.

I can not deny that when I learned we started our businesses the same year I was initially a bit jealous. However, I have reminded myself that although the years were the same, our journeys during those years have been extremely different. For example, I gave birth to three children during the first three years of my business (read my story here), and was not working ON my business but rather in it.

Shane and Jocelyn continue to remind me that we all have the same number of hours every week, and it’s up to me to decide what to do with mine. I recommend you take a few of your hours and tune in to be inspired here: https://flippedlifestyle.com/category/podcast/.


The School of Greatness is another show I’m so happy I went back to the beginning to listen to. Lewis and his guests are so completely authentic that every day I feel like need to try to be a bit more like Lewis. (Yes, I realize I’m 1) a woman and 2) on my own path so there’s only so far this can go.)

Lewis and his guests share struggles they have personally gone through, how they affected them personally, and how they were able to overcome them to achieve, well, greatness! Lewis alone has overcome childhood molestation and sleeping on his sister’s couch with little to no money to building an incredible reputation as a sought-after speaker, author and businessman.

Lesson: Don’t allow adversity from your past or present prevent you from creating an incredible future. Take action today and tune in here: https://lewishowes.com/blog/


OK, this is totally a plug for my own podcast, but yes, I do listen to it. Why? Because even on my hardest days, it’s important to remind myself how far I’ve come. I’m a mom of five (three of which are currently four and younger), and I’ve still managed to grow a successful business, release over 200 podcast episodes and develop incredible relationships with many of my guests.

Please know I’m not trying to toot my own horn. What I AM trying to do is give a gentle kick in the butt to remove whatever excuses are holding you back. Guests and I share and bare all in alternating solo and interview-style episodes, including how we have overcome failed businesses and relationships, financial, family and health hardships and more. As an added bonus, occasionally I even throw a blooper episode into the mix! Remember, Positive Productivity is NOT about perfection!

You’re invited to listen at http://www.thekimsutton.com/podcast

Time for your feedback! Do you have a podcast you find to be especially motivational? Please leave a comment as I would love to create a crowd-sourced list in the future!



Kim Sutton
Thrive Global

Positive Productivity Coach, Strategist & Podcast Host | Mom of 5, Wife to Mr. Amazing | Chat with me at http://www.thekimsutton.com!