99 Prominent Publicists Share Their Top Strategies to Earn Media Coverage

Yitzi Weiner
Thrive Global
Published in
177 min readApr 10, 2018


So you just started a business. You probably want to get the word out. You want some Marketing. But where do you start?

“Marketing” means to take measures to help bring your product or service to the market. There are two basic means of marketing, Paid Media and Earned Media.

Paid Media includes advertising such as a TV ad or a Facebook ad. The advantage of paid media is that it is fairly early to obtain, and it can also be targeted to a very specific demographic. The drawback of Paid Media is that it is less credible or believable. Consumers know that anyone can pay for an advertisement.

Earned Media is another form of marketing. Earned media is when a company or individual is discussed in an editorial or journalistic segment, like this ThriveGlobal article, for example. The advantage of Earned Media is that it is much more credible, because there is an assumption that the journalist or editors chose to cover the company or individual based on merit and not because there was any financial exchange. The drawback of Earned Media is that it is much more difficult to obtain.

So indeed, how does one earn, Earn Media? I turned to more than 99 prominent publicists, people who’s job is to help people earn media coverage, to share their top tips to get…



Yitzi Weiner
Thrive Global

A “Positive” Influencer, Founder & Editor of Authority Magazine, CEO of Thought Leader Incubator