All The Ways Feminism Is Fighting For Men

Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Thrive Global
Published in
3 min readNov 28, 2018


Men and women belong in the kitchen

Part one of a two part series: Man hating, wage gap, career roles, and toxic masculinity

There are ongoing, pernicious and persistent myths about the aims of feminism. One of the most persistent is that it is solely for the benefit of women. Some people even believe feminism is anti-male. This makes no sense, as in the challenge for justice, exclusion is the enemy!

Since the seeking of justice that is true justice does not favor a gender, but a mutual respect and regard for a fellow human, men will benefit, too. Many feminists are men, and many more are just men (and women, too) who don’t realize that in actuality, they do support feminism. It is upsetting that misandry, or man-hating, is associated with feminism, because love of all humans, and the human struggle for love of justice, including feminism, is what real progressive movements, such as human rights, are actually about.

Who is “The Man?”

The phrase “The man” used to indicate the boss, usually a man, and almost always a white man, and almost always a richer man, and almost always a more powerful man.

Logically, men who want fairness also benefit from a fair system. Both males and females suffer the consequences of over-entitlement. Who is hurt most is not a competition.



Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Thrive Global

Ecopsychologist, Writer, Farmer, Defender of reality, and Cat Castle Custodian.