Arshdeep Bhardwaj on how failure is the process to success

An authentic insight into a 17 year old Entreprenuer working 18 hours a day.

Thrive Global
4 min readJun 9, 2017


Arshdeep Bhardwaj is a 17 years old Entrepreneur. He started his first venture at the age of 16 and he is best known for his Entrepreneurial and Business Skills. He is also featured in Everipedia 30 Under 30, Huffington Post and many other major publications.

1. Humble Beginnings

Q: How did you get started and what or who inspired and empowered you to?

I started my journey as an Entrepreneur in February 2016 when I was 16 years old. It all started with the interest in the Entrepreneurship and programming and eventually started my first startup Stannals and later sold it after a year. I didn’t have anyone to support me and that’s what inspired me. If you need inspiration to start a thing then it’s actually not meant for you. If you want to achieve something, you will do with your heart and you don’t need anyone.

Q: What unique and creative strategies if any did you use when you were first getting started?

I’ve worked 18 hours a day for almost a year and a half where I haven’t taken any break either I was in school or elsewhere. I use my phone to work when my laptop isn’t available. When I first started I used Facebook as my networking tool as everyone says network is your net worth. I used to make connections with people like Entrepreneurs, Investors etc. This helped me a lot in the success of my start-up. I didn’t have anyone in the start to encourage me and now I have lots of connections with great people around the globe.

2. Mindset

Q: What mindset distinguished you from others who were doing the same thing? How did you develop it?

I really work both harder and smarter. I believe that failure is the process to success. I don’t worry about failure as I learn my mistakes from it. I know many people who gave up in 6–7 months after their startup gone wrong but I never gave up. If something’s wrong, I’ll try my best to make it good in all the possible ways but I never gave up and never will.

3. What is your definition of success?

According to me, the more active and practical a person is, the more successful a person be. Success in life can be defined as the continued expansion of happiness and the progressive realization of worthy goals.

4. Failure

Q: What do you think is the main reason why some people face failure when going after their vision?

In my opinion, failure is the process of success. Let out your frustration, it’s​ not going to help you. We fail forward by learning from our mistakes and we need to make necessary adjustments to succeed. We can create a different outcome from the things we learn from every person we meet, the information we gather from them and every bit of information we absorb is going to help us in an outcome.

We can’t stop obstacles in our life but we can get through them by handling them efficiently and smartly. If we get through them we can definitely achieve the success we want. If we become successful in getting through the obstacles we enable ourselves to see the positive side even in the toughest situations.

Highly successful people are the ones who have failed the most. As the common people, we learn about them only once they succeed in this business world. We admire their success but rarely we witness their immense struggle they got through. By not knowing the failures they have gone through, we only compared ourselves to their achievements but it’s not the thing to be done. So according to me these are some of the main reasons for why people face failure when going after their vision.

5. What is the best piece of advice you have received or came across and would like to share with everyone?

I would simply say you gotta fail fast. Astonishing? But that’s what you gotta do to succeed. Your first attempt to develop something that has the right product to market fit may not work. The sooner you understand that your thing isn’t going to work then you will think more harder and smarter and you will arrive at a working solution. I would say that, the main key is to iterate quickly, understand what’s going on and go working ahead. Building something that provides value to it’s respective market will require some Failures. So never lose yourself in your loss. Just think them as a stepping Stones of the success. You may not succeed immediately but you will succeed eventually. All you need to do is believe in yourself, believe in your vision, think smarter and work harder.

To view Arshdeep’s work and get in contact with him visit

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