Become A Shark

Sabah Ali
Thrive Global
Published in
3 min readDec 11, 2017

This past weekend was the first ever Live To Grind Event 2017 that was held in downtown Los Angeles.

It was a game changer.

I was in charge of pulling this entire event together by picking out the venue, coordinating event logistics, and making sure everything was on point. Not only was this event in an entirely new location that we never thrown an event at before, but it was also during the end of my semester.

This past week alone was very hectic for me because I was trying to take my finals two weeks ahead of time in order to make it down to LA for the event.

It was great to see my Live To Grind team, but it was even greater to see the people that I talk and connect with on Facebook in person. There is definitely an in person magic interaction that occurs when you finally get to connect with someone face to face, when you have been talking with them online.

The event that was limited to only an intimate amount of people which was great because it allowed us to get to know every single person in the room.

From speakers to attendees, I was very glad about how inspiring and successful the event turned out to be. The major highlight of the event consisted of attendees making meaningful connections and walking away with clarity on how they want to end the year and plan for the new year.

Kevin Harrington, the original shark from Shark Tank, was one of our speakers and got to mingle with all the attendees. It was amazing to listen to his story and all the success that he has gotten from his years of experience. He truly knows how to make connections, stand out from the crowd, and really push yourself to become the best you can be.

Over the course of three days, I really got the chance to open up my eyes on how I was perceiving life and situations that were given to me. Up until now I was doing a great job and pushing myself out of my comfort zone and doing things that would allow me to get closer to my goals.


I also realized that I am capable of doing SO MUCH MORE.

There are specific things that I have been planning out to do, however I kept pushing it back because I thought I wasn’t ‘ready’ enough to take that step.

I was holding myself back. Why? I have no idea.

Cherie Aimee, who was one of the speakers, has an extraordinary story on how she actually died and came back to life. She put things into perspective on if you were to have a fresh start to an entirely new life how would you approach it?

It got me thinking about everything i want to accomplish in my lifetime and how I need to dive head first into my goals that I have been pondering about.

There are so many times that we underestimate ourselves on what we are capable of doing and that slows us down on our timeline of finishing goals.

This weekend gave me clarity on how I need to become a shark and blow everyone away.

Are you ready?

Sabah Ali




Sabah Ali
Thrive Global

Branding & Storytelling Strategist | Best Selling Author | TEDx Speaker | Founder of Unforgettable by Sabah |