Compare And Despair — A True Story

How to be unapologetically you.

joelene wolfe
Thrive Global


Our life’s journey is our personal path. unsplash

Did you ever catch yourself analyzing your life when thinking of someone else? “He has it all together. She is more successful. Their house is beautiful. Those kids are so well behaved.”

Well, the answer is “yes you have” and you wouldn’t be human if you didn’t compare yourself to others every now and again.

Ah! There’s the rub; if it is human nature to compare ourselves to others, what’s the big deal? Well, you can literally drive yourself crazy because there will always be someone more or better if we look hard enough.

While I talk a good game, I admit that I have been a victim of compare and despair. A few years ago I had recently changed careers which was a huge risk and cost me a lot. It was, though, a very bold move in which others admired but it meant several steps backwards financially. I found myself wanting direction, so I agreed to attend a charity event featuring a psychic/medium.

As I waited for the event to begin, I heard the attendees talk about their successes, shore houses, cars and amazing trips. I sat in the corner ready to cry. I literally zoned out and silently proceeded to beat myself up. I worked so hard, why didn’t I have the same success and the same amazing life?



joelene wolfe
Thrive Global

Mom, Actor, Writer, Marketer & motivator. Just taking life one step at a time and enjoying every minute. 💕💕