Do These 3 Things Every Day And You’ll Go Beyond Motivation

Emma Jane Fry
Thrive Global
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2017
Photo credit Blake Richard Veldoorn

Health & Wellness — have you ever looked online for motivation?

I love health and wellness but, what’s with all the photos of people hanging off the edge of cliff faces doing precarious looking yoga poses whilst sipping on a green juice…really? I’m more into sustainable long term change. No diets. No deprivation. No unrealistic yoga poses. Anyone with me?

There’s so much more to healthy living than green smoothies.

Travel & Adventure — have you ever looked online for motivation?

I often wonder if all those travel bloggers out there just so happen to have a professional photographer for a partner? I never seem to have a professional photographer on hand when I’m at the top of a volcano—I must be doing something wrong? Hiking everest. Not my thing. Sailing around the world. Not my thing. Rowing across the across the Atlantic. Not my thing.

Adventure is individual and unlike any other activity or action it has the unique potential to inspire you, to educate you and to make you realise you’re capable of far more than you ever imagined.

Adventure, it’s believing in something you can’t see. Ready to give it a try?

Collective Wisdom — The right kind of group interactions and support can give rise to wise perspectives, wise plans and wise actions. Working towards reaching your health, wellness and lifestyle goals is a team sport and it’s never too late to re-shape your life. Want to be reminded that there’s still room to grow?

So how can we go beyond motivation, how can we tap into something more than that?

Do these 3 things.

Every. Single. Day

  1. Every day, as soon as you wake up, ask yourself how you want to feel (healthy, empowered, free, vital, calm, engaged, vibrant, in control, sensual, strong) and then move through your day making sure that your thoughts, words and actions are in alignment with those feelings.
  2. Get a game plan. There’s more de-motivating than drifting. Most of forget to set our goals and intentions, what do you want you day, week, month or year to look like?
  3. Get support. Asking for help and support is the most generous thing you’ll ever do for yourself. Make sure you position yourself around people that raise your game, it’s the secret sauce to going from feeling overwhelmed and stuck to feeling empowered and in control.

For more on health and wellness with a sidekick of adventure travel you can find Emma on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.



Emma Jane Fry
Thrive Global

Travelling Health Coach. Story teller on two wheels. Loves a good sunrise.