Don’t Book Another Holiday Until You Read This, Tips From a Traveling Health Coach

Emma Jane Fry
Thrive Global
Published in
3 min readJun 1, 2017

You want to go on holiday.

You don’t want to go on holiday and return two weeks later with a tan and an extra ten pounds, you want a healthy holiday.

You’ve booked time off work and that holiday feeling (the one that has you running out to buy those cute travel sized bottles of shampoo) has set in and then you realise that you actually need to decide where to go.

Half a packet of peanuts and a few hours of surfing the web later and you’re left wondering, “How do I choose a health-and-wellness-friendly travel destination?”

As an IIN qualified traveling Health Coach based in Central America and former owner of an adventure travel company, I’ve seen many people struggle with this question.

A few years ago I was back in the UK, it was November and I’m not a lover of the cold, or rain, or any kind of adverse weather conditions…at all. I was staying with friends who had a charming wooden chalet that was literally on top of a hill in the middle of a field in the deepest darkest depths of the British countryside, and I had no car. November in the UK can be somewhat bleak, it was time for a holiday.

I was feeling cold and uninspired and I wanted to experience a new culture, I wanted to eat wonderful fresh food, feel the sunshine and I needed the adrenaline rush of doing some off road motorbike riding alongside a few days of peacefulness hiking in the mountains.

The next day I was on a plane to Marrakech, Morocco, sorted. I had a lovely trip and it fitted all the requirements I had at that time. After you’ve worked your way through the logistics of your holiday, what your budget is, how much time you have, whether to go abroad or stay closer to home, grab a pen and ask your self these two questions.

1: I’m Feeling {fill in the blank}

2: And I want to experience {fill in the blank}

Answering these two questions really is the difference between ending up in a destination that doesn’t suit you to having a beautiful and much needed break in routine and being rewarded with the time and space for clarity of mind which will allow you to reconnect with your values and sense of purpose.

Once you have your destination sorted, make some notes on:

  • The local fitness scene. Scope out what’s going on prior to arrival to see if you’d like to join some classes.
  • Restaurant options. Knowing where there’s a health food shop, juice bar or restaurant that serves healthy food will help you plan ahead.
  • How you’re going to structure your days. Having a loose plan will encourage you to have new experiences, avoid panic eating and make the most out of your time.
  • Packing smart. Avoid unnecessary hassle by scanning and emailing all your important documents to yourself so on the off chance you loose or misplace them you’ve got instant access to the original copies.

Emma is a traveling Health Coach, storyteller on two wheels and host of the ‘Some Day’ to ‘Nailed It’ podcast — you can find entertaining articles and updates over here.

Originally published at on June 1, 2017.



Emma Jane Fry
Thrive Global

Travelling Health Coach. Story teller on two wheels. Loves a good sunrise.