Rashada Whitehead
Thrive Global
Published in
3 min readJun 1, 2018


Don’t Quit Your Day Dream

When I decided to branch out into business, many people were happy for me but some were confused and many even seemed worried. Why I would want to take on the challenges of entrepreneurship when I could continue to enjoy the rise in social standing, financial stability and all things that make up “the dream,” are the questions that left people baffled.

My take on it is a little different. Each of us has a purpose. And along our journey, our purpose comes to life in many ways. I am a wife, mom, daughter, sister, professor, friend, and I make a heck of a sweet potato pie (humble brag). But in all of that — I am who I am. And, there is a purpose for me that mine alone, outside of any role I play to others.

That being said, companies and brands are no different. And when I branched out into business, I did so with no inclination of a plan B, because this isn’t about being an entrepreneur. This is about aligning all areas of my life with my gifts and talents — in way that allows me to be passionate and compassionate about what I do and why I do it.

So, four years ago, I set out with the audacious mission to shift the culture of business around the world from transactional to transformational. One year in, we changed our name to KGBERRY, which means: Keep Giving; Keep Getting; Keep Growing (fruit). Even though our name changed, the mission has stayed the same. And guess what, we are on track and definitely on purpose.

Now more than ever there is a need for brands to step up and not only do what is profitable but to do what is right. To be driven not from the bottom line but from their center. As June kicks off, we are excited to celebrate another strong year in business. We are proud of the way we show up in the world and our ongoing commitment to find, foster and facilitate good in the global hood.

A friend told me she admired the guts I have for taking a leap of faith. I told her this did not take guts. Making the investment in my heart and dreams is the least risky thing I’ve ever done. I’m glad I haven’t wasted time on a plan B because plan A brings me so much joy and fulfillment.

I would be great in Corporate America, I have no doubt. But there are people better suited for the inside because that is where they want to be and that is what works for them. The great news is me and my organization get to partner with them on some pretty important matters that help reshape the culture and bring human regard back to the marketplace.

Whatever your path or passion, do what works for you in a manner that works for you. You will know what is yours to do because it will always come back to you no matter what else is happening in your life. Whether you’re starting out, starting over, trying to sort it out or have it all figured out, don’t give up on the whisper or loud voice that is calling you. It’s your calling. And certainly don’t give up on the ideas, vision and creative commentary in your heart. It’s your day dream. #dontquityourdaydream



Rashada Whitehead
Thrive Global

Light Shiner. Circle Maker. Reputation curator, professor and author, this mindful mama harnesses passion and fosters compassion. www.kgberry.com