Embrace Your Body’s Curves N’ Quirks : Courtney Quinn

Lifestyle blogger, Courtney Quinn exceeds expectations and amasses large-following on social media despite not being the stick-thin model that the fashion industry is used to.

Habiba Abudu
Thrive Global
3 min readApr 13, 2017


Courtney Quinn, Courtesy Courtney Quinn.

Courtney Quinn has over 240, 000 followers on various social media platforms. After graduating from Arizona State University and receiving an MBA from San Francisco State University (at the age of 21!), Quinn moved to New York City. In 2014, Quinn decided to devote more time to her blog “Color Me Courtney” while working full time at Coach. Quinn is known for her eclectic fashion sense which includes bolds, brights and mismatched prints. Her unique personality eventually caught the attention of many brands such as Keds , Refinery29 , Diane von Furstenberg.

HA : Where does your love for bright colours and eclectic patterns come from? Why is your dog’s name Waffles?

CF : Bright colors make me happy and remind me of sprinkles. I wish I remembered where the inspiration for the name Waffles comes from but honestly I just always planned on having a French Bulldog named Waffles one day.

Courtney with her dog waffles. PC : Courtney Quinn

HA : Do you recall a negative experience regarding your personality?

CF : When I first started in the fashion industry, I felt extremely out of place — all the women wore black and were super skinny and made snide comments around me. At first, I tried to fit in and mimic their actions but ultimately I was unhappy. Once I started to accept myself for who I was and wanted to be, I stopped caring so much about fitting in.

Courtney regularly includes unconventional styles, patterns and prints. Using food items as accessory pieces. PC : Courtney Quinn

HA : What was a defining moment in developing confidence in your skin ?

CF : Realizing how much happier I was being myself and how exhausting it was trying to be like everyone else.

HA : When shopping, what are some tips that you give in order to find clothes that bring out the “best” in you ?

CF : Buying something you feel confident in — whether it’s the color or the fit — find something that makes you feel awesome.

HA : What advice would you give to someone who has big dreams but is scared that their personality might get in the way ?

CF : Always be true to yourself.

Bright, affable and a go — getter. PC Courtney Quinn

Originally published on www.facebook.com.
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