Everyone Is Weird

Were these people “weird” for doing these things? Maybe. But, the truth is, everyone is weird.

Adam Smith
Thrive Global
2 min readDec 18, 2017


Benjamin Franklin used to move ink and paper supplies back and forth by wheelbarrow at his business merely to portray the image that he was busy. If that’s not weird enough, he used a kite to prove that lightning was electricity, and he started every day off with an air bath in front of an open window to get his mental juices flowing.

Warren Buffett has a Coke with every breakfast, but also rotates between Mcdonald’s, UTZ potato sticks, and chocolate ice cream, for his food intake for the beginning of the day. When asked about his food choices, he replied, “I checked the actuarial tables, and the lowest death rate is among six-year-olds. So I decided to eat like a six-year-old.”

Albert Einstein, although he could afford a meal, would occasionally eat grasshoppers off the ground, for no good reason.

Nikola Tesla was the brains behind the success of many other people, but his work schedule was ridiculous. He worked every day from 3:00 AM until 11:00 PM. This insane work ethic caused him to have a mental breakdown at twenty-five years of age.

In 1912, Theodore Roosevelt was delivering an important speech to a large audience. While he spoke in front of audiences many times, this time was different. On this day, an assassin was able to sneak into the venue and attempted to kill Roosevelt with a gun, but the bullet was luckily stopped by his folded speech and eyeglass case. You would think he would stop talking at this point, but after the shooter was apprehended, Roosevelt continued giving his speech until he was done. Afterwards, he headed over to the hospital to have the bullet removed, and went on with his daily activities.

Dr. Yoshiro Nakamatsu, the inventor of the floppy disk, believed that his greatest ideas would come to him when he was close to drowning, so he repeated this near-death experience often.

Were these people “weird” for doing these things? Maybe. But, the truth is, everyone is weird.

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