Food & Nutrition

Healthier, Happier Lives

Phil Polakoff MD
Thrive Global
3 min readFeb 9, 2017



In 2017, food and nutrition are major parts of our culture. We have television networks streaming all things food. We have magazines covering the industry of food. We have television shows with celebrity chefs judging food. That’s something I wouldn’t mind doing as well. We have Instagram feeds with pictures of nothing but food. We even have people ripping the rugs out of camper vans to create trucks that make and sell food.

But we have to be careful. America loves food. No doubt about it. However, we need to truly start flirting with the importance of good nutrition.

The World Health Organization defines “nutrition” as “the intake of food, considered in relation to the body’s dietary needs.” By all means, food should taste good and look beautiful on the plate, but we have to remember its true purpose is for our body and mind. Food is the all-important fuel for the Tesla that is the human body…Okay, maybe a minivan. But you get the point.

When mainstream media does talk about nutrition, the conversation tends to revolve around trendy diets. Take this before bed and you’ll lose ten pounds in your REM sleep; don’t eat that on days beginning with a “T” and you’ll finally fit into that pair of jeans you haven’t worn since high school. Also, why do people still have pants from high school? Never mind. Every few months there is a new superfood delivered to us with a slick marketing campaign. Last year, being an election year as we all know, Forbes magazine asked, “Is Cauliflower the new Kale?” You can’t say they don’t tackle the tough questions.

The truth is our nutrition guidelines have evolved over time and will continue to do so. It’s hard enough to stay up on the latest findings as a Doctor let alone as a parent with three kids. For instance, fat used to be enemy number one.

Well, new studies say saturated fats were wrongfully convicted, but it’s time to finally put sugar on trial for stealing our teeth and giving us fatty livers we didn’t ask for.

Yes, recommendations may change but there are common sense suggestions worth following. For example, I state with certainty that Twinkies are not making a comeback in the health community anytime soon.

To make things more complicated, food allergies are on the rise in this country. This is having a severe impact on the day to day life of millions of people across the country who are struggling to keep a balanced diet. While the challenges seem endless, there is value in getting rid of bad habits and adjusting to a balanced diet that gives you a better chance at being healthier not just for swimsuit season, but for the rest of your life.

Key Questions Each One of Us Should Ask Knowledgeable Experts

· How do you define the “right” nutrition, addressing age, gender, and cultural concerns?

· What is a good diet? Addressing specifically: water quality, protein source and amount, fiber, fat consumption type and amount

· How do you recommend achieving and maintaining a good diet?

· What is the appropriate use of supplements?

· How do you balance food and fitness?

· How do you involve your “family” into the agenda?

· Where do you and us go for trusted information?

· Are allergies getting worse due to climate change?

Better food & nutrition contribute significantly to healthier, happier lives



Phil Polakoff MD
Thrive Global

Consulting Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine/Executive Producer & Host, A HEALTHIER ME™