From the Me Generation to the We Generation, Climate Change has changed the Emotional climate for the Re Generation

alison goldwyn
1 min readSep 20, 2019


Chloe Goodchild, the Voce Dialogues

Like Climate Change itself, Greta Thunberg has become a kind of global Rorschach Test. Some will see inspiration, others will see manipulation. And perhaps the overheated Emotional climate she provokes represents both, or even something else.

Yet no matter which side of the climactic Climate Divide, we are all ultimately on One side of this dysfunctional global family ride; this broken home of broken souls thrown together on a tiny spit of land called Earth whirling through a vast and unknown Universe.

Nature & Human Nature: this is our forgotten love story. And in this ever complicated world of Fake Anything, where social MEdia is spinning everything, “tuning in” becomes the only thing.

Climate Change may be vital, but things have gotten increasingly existential … and from bottom up to top down, from citizens of nations to Leaders of Nations & Corporations, Changing the Emotional Climate becomes essential. This is the root of virtually all our global ills — and the roots of Humanity in sanity :-).

Listen to the podcast here :-).

