Keith Cullen
Thrive Global
Published in
3 min readJul 24, 2018


Photo via Useitinfo via Flickr

Meditation practice has been a tactic used for over thousands of years since our ancestors’ discovered its potential. The meditative practice of sitting still with the eyes slightly closed and eliminating (or not judge) thoughts could be an idea that is outrageous for many. Thus, with over hundreds of studies conducted, its been long ago proven that this practice is something that should be applied to every work-space.

Specifically in the music industry, the meditative tool could be utilized for a stress-less and seamless career. Especially in today’s day of age where artists and musicians are constantly placed in the forefront of an audience and online like media, this tactic is a highly suggested method.

Let’s Explore The Reasons Why Meditation Is A Crucial Tool For A Successful Career.

  • Spending Time Alone

The atmosphere of a creative artist/musician is constantly filled with managers, it’s team, fans, and/or press. There could be many times where the artist doesn’t have a chance to actually breathe and spend by itself because of the normality of having a busy schedule and always on the move. When practicing and implementing meditation to their tight schedule that only takes ten minutes of their time either in the AM or PM alone, creates a an inward focused reflection which activates certain parts of the brain differently resulting in calmness and relaxation. Having those kind of results will provide a balance for the artist who is in under pressure and continuously busy.

  • Enhanced Creativity

In the curation part of music from an artist, creativity is key of the process. Without having that in order to produce the music or songwriting, then there isn’t really an originality or beauty behind the results. Practicing mindfulness meditation is a wonderful approach to improve ones creativity for production or any way they feel to apply it. The side effects of meditation on the creativity avenue has been proven to reduce the reactivity of the reptilian brain, increase resilience, stimulate the neocortex, as well as improve emotional intelligence. There really isn’t a need to go deep into explaining why this is essential as it’s obvious creativity is an element to creating masterpieces of music.

  • Reduction In Anxiety

As mentioned previously, artists’ are always on the move and with busy schedules which can easily cause anxiety and feeling overwhelmed. If someone doesn’t take the time to handle these emotions, it could affect their production and not providing the best results. Since meditation practices allows you to not judge your thoughts about the future, the past or things you have to get done, it regenerates the brain. It reprograms your brain which provokes you to feel less anxiety. If you are a beginner, it’s really hard not to have thoughts, but meditation teaches you how not to judge as they come and go, and also, show you how to have peace and quiet within. Without having thoughts of anxiety or feeling overwhelmed, handling daily artists’ or day to day tasks will be more seamless.

  • Better Communication

The team of the artist is those who help them reach their goals and accomplish success. Having mindful communication creates a better relationship with your team where working together improves. Meditation assists with communication by the process of attention which creates a connection. Better connections and communications overall provide everyone the benefit of completing and getting things done beautifully.

The listed points are not only applied to the music industry, but also to any kind of work-space or ones personal life. It’s crucial to have a healthy mind while persisting to be successful. Without having the balance of oneself with work and personal, it will generate unwanted feelings and moods. If you as the artist wish to have a seamless path towards success, then we highly suggest just as previous scientists and our ancestors relayed to meditate at least ten minutes a day.



Keith Cullen
Thrive Global

LA Based Irish Singer/Songwriter. Founding artist at @Steereo. Passionate about health & wellness.