How Positive Thinking Makes You More Successful

The power of positive thinking.

Jyssica Schwartz
Thrive Global


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Psychologically and scientifically speaking, there is a ton of evidence that our mindset and thoughts directly effect our lives.

An easy example of this is that it has been proven that the simple act of smiling actually releases the neurotransmitters dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin in your brain, which make you happier.

Much like yawns, smiles are also contagious.

Smiling can also help ward off stress, as it releases certain neuropeptides that can help relieve stress. Studies have shown that finding ways to change your view of a stressful situation will help you manage it.

Psychology Today says:

“ Studies show that helping people see certain experiences — such as final exams — as demanding rather than dire, protects them from the negative effects of stress while delivering its positive effects, especially focused attention and speedier information processing. Changing the stress mindset not only minimizes the effects of stress, studies show, it enhances performance and productivity.”

We can see this in other ways, too. When you use stress-relieving practices like yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, even some medications, you are changing your mindset.



Jyssica Schwartz
Thrive Global

Manging editor. entrepreneur, writer, editor, cat lover, weirdo, optimist. Author of “Write. Get Paid. Repeat.” & “Concept to Conclusion.”