How to Gain Control of Your Device — It’s Your Choice

Phones, Boredom, Creativity and Mindfulness — Wait, What?!

Tali Orad
Thrive Global


I think that right after exercising more, unplugged is the most common New Year’s resolution for 2019. But as opposed to stop showing up at the gym by March, I would like to help you with sticking to unplugging and building a healthy relationship with technology. It’s not so far fetched, despite the statistics.

Yes, the number are not at our favor…

I’m sure you are not surprised, but what should surprise you is that most of the time we spend on our phone is not by choice but by manipulation, manipulation designed by the app companies to get us coming back to engage in their creation as often as possible. This is done by creating a habit. Good habits for the app companies, bad habits for us.

I want to pause here and say that it is a bad habit for us only if we do not CHOOSE that action.



Tali Orad
Thrive Global

Entrepreneur. TEDx speaker. Founder of 1treellion. The Butterfly Effect Podcast. @TaliOrad 🦋